
The funeral procession consists of a single car.

Metal Gear Solid is still a good game. It was also a rather high-budget title for its time.

Hm yeah what do you call someone who votes with their wallet? A consumer.

Congratulations, you've allowed the status quo to persist. The industry model that the press always complains is so broken that an industry may die is upheld. A console manufacturer tries to change this, to develop a different model that has the POTENTIAL to help clean up some of these problems and you have an

Everybody won except for people who wanted a digital library with price competition.

Innovation lost. Stagnation won, that is a massive loss. We have the same consoles for another decade now. Today wasn't a celebration - it was extremely disappointing.

Kotaku you need to find some actual journalists, not raging fanboys/girls. Then again from last few days it's pretty obvious this site has it's head firmly in Sony's rectum.

Dear Microsoft:

Why don't you ask about whether or not they'll allow used games to play on the PS4?

I've been playing the PC for years. I'm not allowed to trade in my games, as they're digital. I have to have a constant, internet connection to access most of them. The ones I don't have a CD key I need. Even worse, in Canada we have bandwidth caps, so I can only download a limited number of the games I own.

I'm sure the joy of playing the marvellous new experiences of Killzone and Infamous were far better.

Really? The biggest result for Xbox is One?
Firstly: irony, awesome.
Secondly, as a card-carrying Playstation fanboy, their conference was actually fantastic. Not enough exclusives shown, but neither did Sony. Both spent most of their valuable time showing 3rd party games that will be on BOTH systems (MGS:V, Destiny,

You didn't watch his video because you didn't want to hear the other side of the argument. You're just holding onto what your friends and anonymous internet strangers told you was something worth being angry about, while closing your ears to anyone who presents an alternative.

He didn't watch it. Just another troll with no counter argument.

Ignore him, he's been posting complaints in every Xbox One related article since it was revealed and not once did he actually post anything with any substance or merit.

I don't shop there, merely asking sincerely about what the rage is all about. I've yet to trade in a game or buy used in 20+ years of gaming, but it seems like the kind of thing that might just soak some money out of the system.

Your eloquence astounds me, good sir. I'm assuming this means that you, as a consumer, disagree with his assertion that used games might be bad for the industry. It would be nice to hear your points on this topic, instead of just anger and emotion.

You didn't watch it did you?

Go back and watch the 360 launch special, and tell me that didn't look like a failure. The Killers played two songs, and Pimp My Ride was prominently featured.