My wife will be happy to know that!
My wife will be happy to know that!
“Secondly, his church doesn’t represent the Black community, because Black father’s are not only the most involved fathers compared to other races of men, Black men are also very present.”
If I ever have kids and I’m trying to get them into a school, if I see that the school is predominantly white—I’m turning the other way.
Skin color has never mattered. It’s never been anything that I’ve focused on,” Darcy said.
Emmie and her sister, Darcy, developed a love for soccer, and are often the only black players on their soccer teams growing up in Smithfield The two sisters were both adopted by Mark and Kate Woodward, Emmie since she was 7, and Darcy as a baby. They’ve never had an issue before.
Rap lyrics. Don't forget rap lyrics.
I’m sure we’ll be hearing how the girls are blowing this out of proportion, they instigated it, they should be happy the coaches didn’t call the police when one of the girls performed a hard tackle, that this wouldn’t have happened if Colin kapernick stood for the anthem, #notallehitepeople (although this happens in…
I’m sort of sad, and impressed that this was first time these young ladies had people racially attack them.
I’m enjoying casting these votes so much more than I should!
She is my idea of perfection. Just...luscious.
mmm, those legs.
If it weren’t the ones firing their weapons those people wouldnt be dead.
Oh grow up. That mfer ain’t no victim. If it weren’t for him those folks wouldn’t be dead.
You’re blaming the victim not the shooters that decided revenge was worth 3 dead and 7 injured?! What the fuck is wrong with you!
Nothing worse than being called a racist? How about BEING a racist, you walnut.
How the fuck is anyone arguing that it wasn’t racially motivated?
Shitty ingredients, shitty pizza, shitty person.. Papa John’s.
Better ingredients.....Better racism......Papa John’s!
What did I miss here. In what context did he say that stuff? Was it just ramblings of an unhinged mind, did he begin with “and another thing about the negroe!” Was he asked to speak on a certain topic?
Silence is the natural reaction for being exposed for blatant bigotry. Black bodies have been fetishes for wypipo. We can go all the way back to Queen Marie Thérèse of France and her “relationship” with her slave Nabo. You can literally have a child with a black person and still not see them as your equal.