
I’ve taken a few trips to US States where I rented cars, and all of the cars I rented had same blinker feature. I assumed all newer cars had it and my personal car was just too old for it? Maybe its an option? I just bought a new car to replace my ‘06 and it had it too.

Outside of your Universal Healthcare statement, that is how it works in America today. Emergency services, include the ER, are guaranteed to everyone regardless of ability to pay. If you have insurance, then the bean counters take care of the bill. If you don’t, with your tax paperwork, usually medicaid will cover it

Its really more that Americans have so much money they don’t know what to do with it. Housekeeping is not a job that is permissible to pay less on the expectations of tips, unless you’re going on international waters for cruises.

Except... herd immunitiy doesn’t really apply to the flu shot as its less then 50% effective AND only towards the specific variants they expect to be popular (and are often wrong, especially given the mutation speed of the virus). Spreading misinformation gives fuel to anti-vaxxers, and while the flu vaccine has been

I don’t go to the doctor very often, but my insurance premiums went up about 400% since Obamacare. And now if I need to go to the doctor, my deductible went way up too. There is no competition in the entire state anymore... if your employer doesn’t provide health insurance, there is one company now, every single other

Same here. Most hotels aren’t full every night, and checking the night before if the hotel is booked up or not can also predict if you’re gonna have a problem. If the hotel had many empty rooms the previous night, they’re typically happy to let you check in as early as you want (I’ve done 8am before). Many have had

Where I live now, Streets, Ways, Terrace, Drives run north-south

The law is keep right except to pass. It is absolutely not keep right if someone behind you wants to go faster. If the cars in the right lane are going 30mph and you want to pass them at 40mph, you are following the law even if someone behinds you is trying to go 90mph as long as you get back into the right lane as

Haha... I prefer Google Maps for its better rerouting features and all around better interface. The biggest reason is there is a few roads near me where a certain lane doesn’t move, but its easy to bypass by utilizing the other lanes on the same road. Waze and Google Maps both want to reroute me around the single lane

Once, while I was helping a friend build a computer, his dad came in the room while my friend was in the bathroom, and said he had an emergency and needed one of the computer fans. I didn’t really know him or what for, but I just said okay, and gave him one.