Why is no one talking about how Starkiller Base makes no sense?
Why is no one talking about how Starkiller Base makes no sense?
Wow. I have a story out to Tor.com, my first professional submission. I had another story I was going to submit when I receive a response on the first because they don’t like simultaneous submissions. I know there are others markets but this is discouraging. One less avenue for the unpublished.
I want the Asia region Gravity Daze Remaster Collector’s Edition that was released in HK. It comes with a gorgeous Figma of Kat and the game itself is playable in English on a US PS4. I want that Figma so badly but it’s impossible to find and we are broke...
I hit 50K on the 25th and I’m still plugging away at it. This is a sequel to last year’s NaNo book which is called The Sword, The Crown, and The Scroll.