Even if you haven’t read Grant Morrison and Darick Robertson’s comic book, there’s a lot about Syfy’s Happy!…
Even if you haven’t read Grant Morrison and Darick Robertson’s comic book, there’s a lot about Syfy’s Happy!…
I thought the initial order for Ghosted was ten episodes? I’m pretty sure there’s still a couple “Ghosted 1.0" episodes before we switch over to Lieberstein. Also this episode was actually the original second episode of the show but it got pushed back a lot. It feels like a refinement of the ideas in the pilot because…
Personally I have loved this show for its humour and willingness to embrace the daftness of the premise..... I am hoping another liberty bell, cheese, or whatever when I saw skeeve and sleaze I sat back for ridiculous antics.... What I received instead was an intellectual lobotomy.
I liked this episode, although I don’t know if I agree with the decision to keep John as Chief Engineer. Testing him, sure. But while he definitely has smarts, I didn’t see much evidence that he has leadership skills. Geniuses can be horrible managers, and everything we’ve seen of LaMarr thus far indicates immaturity…
*Isaac, stroking Gordon’s arm*
Yes, what kind of ridiculous society embraces blue-collarism and chides, insults and often out-right ignores intelligent behavior and points of view?
If you’ve taken a look at Netflix in the past week or two, you’ve probably noticed an influx of insanely obscure and…
Yes, everything is a great conspiracy against conservatives, which is why the Republican President still enjoys great support from his party is still in office despite openly admitting to intentionally walking into the changing rooms of underage beauty pageants while any number of other people are losing their jobs.
Isn’t that the same time that J.B. Sessions wishes to return to as well?
I thought it was pretty funny, but I really wanted to see Judge Judy let loose and cut Larry a new asshole. She’s great at being Judge Judy, but she unfortunately can’t act like Judge Judy. She obviously knows she’s better than the average piece of human garbage whose cases she adjudicates on her show, and I don’t…
Yeah, I actually respected their commitment to their own logic. A Kronish worth saving from assassination is also a Kronish willing to sacrifice himself for the greater good.
This episode was great, peak Z-Nation if you ask me. It was breezy, inventive and fun, and we actually had some plot progression. It can be tough being a Z-nation fan, but then an episode like this comes around and there is some vindication
It did get a second season actually. It was canceled on ABC and then picked up by FOX which is what led to the Jay Sherman character crossing over to The Simpsons in the classic “A Star Is Burns” episode which they hoped would boost The Critic’s ratings. Didn’t help though and FOX canceled it a second time. It also…
Hell yes! Always hilarious when she shows up too, and I love that the Belchers all love her too. The taxi episode really cemented the show’s wonderful take on all of this.
A bottle episode with Ted and Bob would be amazing. I don’t really see it happening as the tension that would probably be the focus of such a story has already been explored in “Friends with Burger-fits”.
and openly admitting he’s not fully straight. god bless Bob
No offense to your work here, Alex, but I think the AV Club would have done well to pay Nathan Rabin for a one-off take on the show’s handling of Juggalo culture.
I just loved how the group was totally digging the dog food. I think the time to be grossed out by dog food was over years ago. Icing on the cake: Doc and 10k remembering Gravy Train.
A man runs the op, a man is the big, bad villain, and a man saves the day!