A Rising Ape

Understandable, and sensible, but I'd still love it if you got something besides a knife, at least as an in-between option, maybe a taser? They're lobby isn't nearly as good as the gun freaks, but there's still plenty of money pushing the idea they're a "safe" weapon.
Whatever you choose to carry, bone up on the legal

Oof, that fucking sucks, glad you're tooled-up, but you may want to consider replacing that blade with a firearm. It's not something I like to advocate for, but needs must, and the reality is the law in this crazy-ass country tends to be a lot more lenient on guns than it is regarding anything else that could even

I went with Eric Jonrosh, but Garth's good too.


Der Gropenfuhrer had to backpedal so fast he left a large, square hole in the wall like he was fucking Gossamer.

I too was charmed by Victor, he's scummy, but not TOO scummy, and he's got a certain joie de vivre that fits right in with Lucifer's overall theme of charming bastardry.

Every night, Johnny Ramone's ghost will be seen wandering up and down the sidewalks, demanding his fucking royalty check.

I think they're pretty much equal contributors, but Mark is more visible because of his soundtrack work, and he's more willing to do press, so I can see how people get confused.

Eh, it's not that, but it's not a travesty either, it's just kind of goofy.

Well, sex as part of a larger collection of inscrutable biological imperatives over which we have little to no conscious control, but yeah, fucking is definitely in the mix.

It seems to be taking the cast a while to get comfortable, but it did seem like they were starting to play off of each other as more of an ensemble instead of acting like they weren't even in the same room (which, given the amount of effects-related kinks they're probably working out, is both possible, and

Eh, at least this one seems to be doing a couple of interesting things, plot and animation-wise, personally I'll stick to longer-running shows for my sacrificial lambs, on the subject of which: Modern Family? AGAIN?? YOU HAVE SPIT IN THE FACE OF GOD, AV EDITORIAL!

The street vendor calls him "the old guy with the shield", which is weird enough that I couldn't even figure out who the hell he meant at first. I thought he was talking about Nick Fury for a second.

Kind of like a baby AV Club… A Baby-V Club.

Who do you think inspired them to make a prequel in the first place? I guarantee the main villain is going to be a guy in a bird's-nest toupee named Schmonald Schmump.

Nah, nah mate, I see how you got there, but check the eyes, that is CLEARLY a White Walker.

I feel like I get enough of their particular brand of fucktardism just by trying to engage with the internet at large, thank you. I'll be glad to get in deeper touch, just as soon as they stop welcoming edgewarriors, b/tards, actual fucking Nazis, and other bigoted, juvenile morons. Sadly, this continues to be a bit

How does that follow? I mean the creator will probably make a few bucks off of this, but this seems like a big fat zero in terms of gains or losses. The chantards refuse to learn anything from anything, and the Nazis don't care, the only real losers are any poor bastard whose fate it is to have to be a designated

What's the point of identifying anything? There's a virulent bunch of assholes using that stupid frog for their own purposes, and that bears notice, which is all the ADL is advocating for, as oposed to an outright ban, as so many of those squirmy little dogfuckers are trying to claim this is.