It's everything that was in SMB3 but with a rideable dinosaur, how the hell does anybody embrace one and reject the other? Those kids ain't right.
It's everything that was in SMB3 but with a rideable dinosaur, how the hell does anybody embrace one and reject the other? Those kids ain't right.
Or just sit there, pathetic and confused until it gets punted out of the ring, that seemed to happen a fair bit. Nevertheless, pretty neat!
I'm sorry but I can't agree, just off the top of my head, Carl's Jr. makes an incredibly tasty, actual-dollar-menu chicken sandwich, and it would be news to most people that it even exists. Frankly, I'm just as offended that people keep perpetuating the myth that Chik-Fil-A makes better than average sandwiches as I am…
Agreed, it's got jack crap to do with pop culture, but at least this guy is actually interesting.
As far as I can tell, all they did was stop donating to the more overtly crazy Christian fringe groups in the company's name. They're corporate culture is still very vocally all about Christian Values™, "the Biblical definition of marriage", and all the horseshit that comes with that.
I definitely lose libido under stress, a solid routine turns into sporadic, short-lived outbursts done more for the sake of distraction than any pre-existing desire. I was never too bothered by the loss of sex drive, but I can definitely recall a couple occasions when I hammered one out just to remind myself that I…
I'll stand up for the cheesy Frito-rito, it's the only one of their chip-based concoctions that actually makes sense, because it's basically a Frito Pie in a blanket.
Aaaand now we have an endorsement for Chik-Fil-A. The AV Club is just straight-up shilling for homophobic chicken.
Fuck you, editorial!
Why don't we drink pigs milk?
Because that would be stupid for obvious reasons.
Great article!
"All in all, it’s like a freshly whipped homemade batch of Miracle Whip"
Pretty sure nobody in the history of mayonnaise has ever made a homemade batch of Miracle Whip, not unless they keep an industrial polymer-extruder in their house.
They're selling them in NM too, then. I think they're a much easier sell with Americans than straight ketchup, we have a tendency to reject foods that remind us of scraped knees and pudding skin, even if it is only visually.
Just what this site needs, more stupid, shallow bullshit about food, and even less coverage and analysis of popular culture, BRILLIANT!
She was a major figure in the American media for decades, she helped write the playbook on far-right motherfuckery, and she used to be the Orange Juice Queen. What more does someone have to do to be a part of pop-culture?
That may be the most thorough, yet succinct summary of her bullshit little life I've heard yet.
Eh, if she was at all coherent at the end, I'd call it close enough. Phyllis was a shrewd old bird who never failed to line her nest, she knew a worthless man when she saw one.
I won't lie, the notion that Hillary helped nudge ol' Phyllis closer to the grave, on ANY level, raises her several notches in my personal esteem.
I try to tell myself that, and then, inevitably I think "But… Did it have to be Bowie AND Prince??" As far as I'm concerned, the reaper owes us all at least one or two more hard-core right-wing shitbirds before I consider this years' accounting fully squared.
Good article, little bit padded, but Ms. Grace is as enchanting and enlightening as ever. It's frustrating to know that good resources, while limited, were out there at the time, but out of reach simply because being trans was not a thing most people talked about seriously in 2005. Being the living embodiment of…
Also sold as Thë Lëmmÿ Lëttërs, and Unneccesary Umlauts Quarterly.
That's just it, the name combines several of her most annoying traits, to me anyway: It's self-consciously cutesy, uninspired, and overwhelmingly pleased with itself. Fortunately, it's also pretty forgettable.