
I don’t closely follow the Kardashian/Jenner saga, but based on media coverage we may all have an obligation to sleep with a Kardashian/Jenner at some point and don’t want to be surprised. So, I’ll keep checking the magazines for updates to see if my name pops up.

Headline should read "WNBA" not "WBNA".

Davidson's pull likely starts with not having a preposterous beard.

Bravo, Robert.

Good write-up. But also “mid-t0-late".

I did wonder if it was the same two paragraphs of ideas repeated over and over and thought it was just me.

When is parmesan ever NOT erotic? [smells parmesan dust on fingers, hides into his bunk.]

Gay Satan worshippers must have a far better sense of style than evangelicals. Gonna go check them out...

Bearded men and robot fucking is what’s going on in The Black Hole. It’s kinky as hell!

It took two viewings for it to click with me, in the theater then on home video. And it was early enough there was no pressure from people telling me how awesome it was.

Sandperson discovers prank, puts face in hands with laughing embarrassment. Obi-Wan wearing a backwards ballcap leans to the camera and says “You just got Kenobied!”

I don’t care about tie-ins to the prequels, I mostly just want a show where Obi-Wan goes around scaring the shit out of Sandpeople.

Canadian praise is done in metric, so it’s just a bunch of jibberish to my U.S. ears. Now come on, fellow patriots, let's bankrupt more sick people then push them onto the street to die!


A- minus reflection on a C+ review.

Exactly. Like, what else is there to do in that area of Australia?

Why ScarJo? Weird Al isn't Asian.

If they have Ewok Burger barbecue events each weekend, I’m in.

Can we in the U.S. please stop our sentimentality over the British Royal Family? It’s an emotionally stultifying misery factory for all involved.

They got covid vaccine passports and traveled to Europe by boat and plane. Otherwise they forged U.S. vaccine cards and shop in our grocery stores and attend concerts and sports events with us.