
Tell me about it, stud.

And we also can hardly wait to watch it on your phone over your shoulder with no sound on an airplane, also as Villeneuve and Lynch intended!

Yes, but what we don’t know if people imagine him as THEIR cousin.

Well, I dunno about “cute kid”. But, welcome presence and charming life force? Sure!

No justice, no pee.

Christ left Kinja long ago.

I think her pre-Senate style makeover wrecked her brain. Manchin, though, has been crooked with a crooked wife and Big Pharma cashout daughter since forever.

So, from the photo I’d pay $55,200-$96,600 for a Batman Forever batsuit, but would have to INSTALL NIPPLES ON MY OWN to make it Batman & Robin compliant? Hard pass! So, so hard.

I mostly want it to be Obi-Wan scaring the shit out of Sandpeople.

But number 501? You guessed it, “Far From Over” by Frank Stallone.

Do we have to chose one? Can't we banish both?

It does seem so circuitous that we risk getting no entertainment beyond award shows.

An essential question. He knows. It was a stepping stone to other, better work.

Another Portlander here. Lillard’s production, love for the game, and bucketloads of stupefying clutch moments that elate our city are much better than the program around him. It’s a testimony to his character that he hasn’t left already. And given Portland’s relative large size, it’s weird that the Blazers are the

We should ask him, then believe the opposite.

I absolutely complained immediately about Captain Jack Sparrow being in the ride at three different points, but other families insisted I stop yelling and sit back down in the boat.

The best Beatles song they never recorded…OR DID THEY!?


They fucked over 32,000 or so employees in the early stages of the pandemic, laying them off without healthcare. It’s ludicrous and vile for Disney leadership to then chide Johansson for supposedly not being sensitive to our COVID-19 era.

I read his articles and look around to figure out which group he’s trying to virtue signal/pander to. When I glimpse what looks like that group, they’re also trying to figure out whether his irony/word salad is worth any effort.