
I’m writing from the distant future 17 months later, and people are still using “TERF” as an insult, sometimes with merit, many times online it means “research that goes against what I feel should be true”.

I agree that Alligator Loki is our new god. But I cannot, good sir, bring myself to fuck Baby Yoda no matter how often you insist.

Thor: 4 Play

And that frog is stuck SO CLOSE to Thor’s Hammer, Mjölnr. Don’t we all have days like that?

I’ve been all of these.

But how many uses of “Fuck off” will this season’s dialogue have?

[sniffs under own armpits]

Warring cultists are a thing, and their football games are terrible.

Too big.

Posting from the future, but your comment ended up ringing true. #RIPSashaInABox


I learned it from Puck in The Real World: San Francisco.

I must not fear the Bond movie release date. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear of the Bond movie has gone there will


I’ve listened to at least dozens of Rogan’s podcasts. He doesn’t know everything, no one does, nor does he claim to know everything. He is willing to engage with a variety of thoughts and perspectives rather than stay in a narrow lane. People who put him in a “bro” category based on his appearance show a narrow range

Wish I could this story to myself in the 1990s.

Oh, Kinja. [Squints peering into the distance waters of Broadchurch]

I’m a sorcerer, and found their depictions somewhat exaggerated, but generally fair.

This claim smells fishy.

Get yer slow-paced ancient lamentation forest music the hell outta here and go back to Valinor! #MMEGA