Typo, supposed to be Bladder Runner.
Typo, supposed to be Bladder Runner.
Hook is about 35-40% recoverable, or what makes it maddening is one can sense the good movie somewhat hiding behind it. The montage of visits to Wendy, including Gwyneth Paltrow to Maggie Smith, is impressive.
You are The Pan.
White women seem the demographic most likely to tell pollsters they won’t vote for Trump because they sense something wrong and want to seem like a good person to a pollster, then vote for Trump in private.
What our nation needs right now is another variation of a Superman movie that still doesn’t like Superman.
Dapper Dan...ny Zukko!
That’s $1 thousand more of a return than I’d get doing business with Trump. Where do I sign up?
Those responsible for the moose lottery have been sacked.
I think he’s there, but dressed in the ivory color as the rest of the ensemble. Haven’t double-checked that, though.
The visuals are well done. The audio from the live recording seems clipped, though I may be too accustomed to the studio recording. The film went a long way toward filling the theater-sized hole in my heart for plays and movies. I miss people, but this made things better.
“Don’t wear a mask, Mr. Trump! It blocks the precious KFC from getting in!”
There’s value in scratching their “we’re about our rights” surface and see racist stuff break through.
This is my tempo.
The way he dresses and carries himself begs for being called a commedian, even if his words say no.
I’m haunted that Amy Cooper’s apology uses about the same rhetoric as most of my fellow white people’s posts expressing support for the plight of people of color. But when stressed, she weaponized her tears and that knowledge to direct harm to another human being. There’s a stark difference between what we…
I’ll go into a theater with a Bible so long as an armed force asserts my right to peaceably assemble by tear gassing everyone else out of attendance.
“I have hard out at 12:30, and need to leave before then, Daaad.” [re-mutes microphone]
It’s a tricky issue, especially when we don’t look at statistics and think media coverage means something happens more often or less often.