
Things could align and J.J. Abrams and Kasdan and their team tie this up nicely. The Force Awakens put things back on track with familiar and new elements. I enjoyed The Last Jedi’s visual dash and daring from one person’s guiding hand (avoiding the Disney hazard of feeling assembled by committee) and I watch it more

What I’m starting to say to people anxious about the mainstream issues of taxing the rich and healthcare: “If you don’t support Medicare for All, you’re saying that we, the wealthiest nation ever, cannot do what lesser nations do. I put it to you, isn’t this an indictment of our entire American society? I will not

Grimdark Bat-Mite. Maybe he has incurable syphilis.

Is she okay (yet)?

Nothing's better than to dunk an Oreo in milk after a murder.


Cheney has to live to be a character in season 3 of 'Succession'.

You tell Jerry at work he need to shut the fu [uuurrrpp] ck up.


But wasn’t the real Gossip Girl the friends we made along the way?

Who crushes more on Paul Ryan: Meghan McCain or Paul Ryan?

The Exorcist stairs feel neglected now.

“My, my. Let’s all fuck apple pie. / We’ll be masturbators sometime later or maybe fuck key lime pie.”

At the last family reunion they said it was role playing C3PO and R2D2 with the taller one saying the other was “an overweight glob of grease”. Then things got frenzied.

‘American Pie' is even worse at karaoke. People forget it's 7-8 minutes. Place loses energy.

Heard it the same, but never thought enough to tealize a one-winged dove could probably only turn one direction if it could get aloft at all.

Cowardly lyin’

[sends text, gets reply]

[raises hand nervously, then waddles to bunk]

Turns out the real Zone was the friends we made along the way.