Ubiquitous Coward

The history of the Start-Flahelf match and general stories of (dis)loyalty of Ukrainians to the USSR and Germany are matters of bitter dispute within Ukraine. So many revisions of Soviet Ukrainian history during the war have come out that it's not surprising you wouldn't remember the specifics of the hostility -

Here's my rhetorical question. If you're going to basically do stunt casting by getting the superior General Zod/Chancellor Valorum for your film and treating Stalin like a supervillain and not the bland genocidal bureaucrat he was, why not cast Terence Stamp as Stalin? The film's going to be ridiculous and inadequate

I agree with him. There are plenty of perfectly good Ukrainian and other Slavic ethnicity actors whose accents, body language, etc. will match the people who went through the Holodomor. Having Johnnie Goodboy Tyler and General Zod as "Ukrainians" feels unnecessary if not distracting, especially in a Hollywood where a