
I know that cost in lives dwarfs the other but that's not how the media works. Robin Williams's death got a more coverage than Boko Harum's atrocities too. I know a lot of people hate Twitter but it is very helpful rounding out US-centric media coverage.

Great. Let's oppose both tragedies. That's really the way to go. Good job. It's no about white people, it's about the fact that Nigeria is a fragile state prone to coups and civil war while France is a democracy where that sort of attack almost never happens nowadays. Nigeria, sadly, has seen several of those

The first to report on this was the Guardian and that was yesterday, sites are beginning to report on it but you have to scroll down to find it because it involves black people and it is not in a western country. Also i think that Jezebel should make the headline font bigger because you could easily miss this story.

It's not a contest.

It's really frustrating trying to teach a white person why the racism they face is NOTHING compared to what POC face. But no, they think it's cool to pretend to be oppressed so they co-opt the language of POC activists/educators because they want people to feel sorry for them too.

Every Internet Conversation With White Dudes:

This this this. I just spent nearly $2,000 on my 15-year-old cat last month—he came down with pancreatitis and stopped eating. It was a lot of money, and I'll be skipping luxuries like meals out and movies for months to pay for it, but I'd do it again in a heartbeat. I got him and his two brothers (they were the whole

I mean... I once took a hamster to the vet when it looked like she was in distress, which it turns out she was. I shelled out about $150 to have her suffering relieved. I don't think that's too irrational, I think it was the kind thing to do for the poor little animal that was in my care.

My dog is part of my family. There was never a moment of "am I really going to do this?" (though I can understand people having that question). We did wonder where the money was going to come from, but forged ahead and trusted that it would. We crowd-sourced and the money appeared, we're left with a couple thousand to

That's awesome. I did the same thing, and my dog lived to a ripe old age. Never regretted it.

You know what? Good for this dude. People spend $500 on a lot stupider shit than keeping a pet they like alive. I hope it works out for this fish.

I don't know about that. I'm a depressed, cynical, easily annoyed person who's not really nice to be around. My mask makes me tolerable (and much less likely to commit assault).

"Oh, Mr. DiCaprio, my mom really loved your movie Titanic! Can I get your autograph for her? She'll just die!"

I'm sure the women who lived modern, well-educated, independent lives in Afghanistan before the Taliban moved in in the mid-90s would have thought the same thing.

You really are clueless.

Right now, if a woman becomes pregnant, in some states, she LOSES here own freedom and rights. Rights and freedoms that a man in the exact SAME situation will not lose, simply because he is a man.

A woman who is a drug user who becomes pregnant, even if she immediately quits the drug use and

Really? Maybe not in NYC but out in the conservative middle of the country they have plenty of laws such as forcing a woman to have a transvaginal ultrasound before getting an abortion, if in fact, she can get an abortion because the Republicans have used their political power to shut down an abortion clinic.

You really haven't watched news lately?

Thank you. That explains why these maps are utterly indescipherable.

You've completely mis-represented what the artist has done here. From the artists website:

I loved those! "Hi. I'm 33 and live in my grandma's attic and don't work. I have a kid I don't support because his mom's a slut. Wanna go out?"