@anaki: 1) Alundra appears to have a rights issue keeping it from also being released on the European PSN[www.escapistmagazine.com] Not sure about Arc the Lad.
@anaki: 1) Alundra appears to have a rights issue keeping it from also being released on the European PSN[www.escapistmagazine.com] Not sure about Arc the Lad.
@robotecm: You've got cone of cold which is probably my favorite AoE spell so make sure you're hitting as many enemies with that as possible - concentrate all your attacks on one enemy at a time - and if you can lure away enemies. I know the beginning of the game makes it seem like just running into a room is ok, but…
@spikespeigel: Idk if it's the fastest way but if you play TIR online you can cash out all your winnings to your single player game. You can easily net 40-50k in a few minutes.
@vidhagans: Haha, I am tempted to just give them the fla file and be like "good luck."
@HolyDaedalus: I see these videos and think the game looks amazing but I played the demo and the controls felt kind of loose. I'm still picking it up, maybe I just need to adjust a bit to the gameplay.
@Yossarian: Yea, well they were the first and the last who I'm doing that for.
@Talryyn: No, it's a flash site - they are really weird about how they wanted their site done and had decided it had to be flash before looking at any pros/cons. I told them everything they wanted done could be accomplished in a number of languages but they were so hung up on flash..
@robotecm: What are your mages set up for? Once I got to the mob part AoE spells became really important as well as keeping your warrior buffed at all times. Support skills really start to play important roles at this point - if you don't have that stuff you might want to take on another quest and come back when…
I designed a website for some friends and I'm really regretting it - what should be a simple static site requires constant attention because of their laziness/indecision. I have a job and other obligations, I don't want to tweak text on your site all the time. And yes, I'm saying that finishing Enslaved is an…
@That-Other-Guy-Over-There: But the whole point of Fat Princess is the multiplayer - the single player is really just a tutorial for the online component.
@sethmilk: What was the pre-order dlc?
@p4w4rr10r: Ah, sorry, I played through it on a console so I'm not sure.
@Teira: Oh, that's great. I was worried they expected you to get them all in one playthrough which just seems like a cruel punishment.
@sethmilk: Is there a chapter select or new game+ after you finish the game? I was peaking at the trophies list and saw 'collect every tech orb' which seems like a semi ridiculous challenge b/c those things are everywhere, but if you can go through a level again w/o having to collect them again that wouldn't be too…
@douglasjfresh: Haha, yea, that can be frustrating. When I've played through it I've had people more focused on combat / leveling up weapons and saving magic for boss battles / enemies strong to physical. It's really about who you're playing with.
@Eseph: I'm loving the game so far but it is relatively short (which doesn't bother me). I finished the first 6 chapters in about 5 hours and from peeking at the trophies there are either 14 or 15 chapters so if they keep the pacing similar it'll be about 12 hours. But between the art direction and great…
@p4w4rr10r: Borderlands is excellent. If you don't mind going back to the SNES days I'd also recommend Secret of Mana - it's on the virtual console.
@Sunwind: I just blazed through the first 6 chapters tonight, this game came out of nowhere for me and is just blowing me away. I love the visual direction / vibrancy of the world and it's one of the few games where I'm actually enjoying the cut scenes.
@Batman: My interest in comics tends to ebb back and forth - I mostly read Marvel (just about everything except Fantastic Four and some of the mini series) but all of the Mega Universe Shattering Events got to me. When all of a sudden you have to keep track of every title in the stable it's just too much…
@ExploadingAlah: the difficulty is more in learning what to do and how to deal with your enemies. Its a game of patience. The initial learning curve is a little steep but it gets better/easier as you progress.