Ubik! the Rat Parade

@Madgame: Get a treadmill or a stationary bike or something. Make those hours doubly productive.

@iatw: Haha, I'm actually really enjoying DR2 on the PS3. The time limits don't bother me and so far (first playthrough - I did restart once though b/c I hadn't saved in ages and didn't want to lose char progress) I've been able to complete all side quests and main quests w/o issue. The only side quest I failed was

@nodanaonlyzuul: It gets better after the first hour when there are less cut scenes and more information comes over your walkie. That being said I was kind of surprised that it has to load for every area and it wasn't just one big open world - the areas really aren't that big...

@HingeThunder: Usually preorder bonuses aren't game changers - better off saving your cash.

@Krud: That is not the same thing at all. If you preorder (put money down) you're still paying the full price overall...

Verizon needs to deliver my damn phone so I can go buy Enslaved/Castlevania/FF: Four Heroes of Light.

@Save me: We have 31 games in common.

I've always liked the joke that "the only definition of a hipster is a person who hates hipsters."

Back when Mario Party was all the rage on the N64 my cousins liked to use the palm of their hands to get maximum spin on the stick. Well one of them got their skin pinched between the stick and that crazy octagon pattern on the controller and it ripped a decent chunk off.

@KindaGamey: Haha, man play a round of TIR ranked match. No matter what place you finish you get cash based on how many points you score that you can transfer to your single player char so you don't have to go insane running around casinos. The first time I played TIR I was terrible and still netted almost 50

@Koda89: I don't eat while I play. Ever. I like my stuff clean and shiny.

@billysan: Well the abilities you learn are all tied to your level so since you keep your level you keep them. You also keep cash and any key items you've gotten. The only thing you lose is what you're carrying and you can probably find that again in a few mins.

@samuriwerewolf: Yea, delays are pretty standard, especially for high profile titles.

I generally don't resell my games. I've traded in a few over the years and usually it's because I end up with multiple versions of the same game (got rid of SFIV bc they released SSFIV). Anyway, there is only one game I actually regret selling.

@OmegaSpartan08: I'm going to take a gamble and pick up Lords of Shadow and Enslaved... I wish they had released a Lords of Shadow demo - the Enslaved demo is what won me over - and while I'm still on the fence about LoS the gameplay videos look pretty solid. And if I'm wrong it'll just be another disappointment to

@Johnson1980: How excited are you? If you're just lukewarm about it then I am way more excited about it than you.

@Eviltim: Yea, it's just the guitar dongles - they have two USB ports - one on each side.

@Foxhack: You can only get the 'soft bundle' if you already pre-ordered and they are working with retailers to see if they will honor them - no guarantee that they will.

@vidhagans: Harmonix hasn't really said why besides 'agreement terms' whatever that means.

@thepenguin55: They aren't making full band RB bundles at all anymore - low sales on full bundles (most people interested in the game have at least some instruments already) and it's hard to convince retailers to dedicate floor space. I also see Beatles full band and RB2 full band sets in stores often so if they