I wonder if this rules out another console VC all together? I'm liking VC2, but the battles are much shorter - I miss the long fights and large grand maps...
I wonder if this rules out another console VC all together? I'm liking VC2, but the battles are much shorter - I miss the long fights and large grand maps...
@razo18: Pro mode is going to be RB3 / future dlc only - and not necessarily RBN dlc since that isn't coded directly by Harmonix (I'm really not sure how they are handling pro mode with the RBN). And as of right now they aren't going to be adding piano to earlier tracks (at least last I heard) b/c of cost.
@Ladi: Haha, oh man I had completely forgotten about the R&R scene. I guess it's just that it happens more often with this game.
@Slatz_Grobnik: I felt like it was the controls that were making the difficulty murderous - it is a great game, but it does have its flaws. I mean, I've wondered if they left jumping out of Brutal Legend because it was so poorly handled in Psychonauts.
@mruler360: Yea, been thinking about installing it. Actually, before Steam/SC2 this summer I hadn't gotten a computer game in almost 5 years.
@Ladi: Thanks for the info - guess it's time to train a new sniper cause that perk is too much of a handicap on the char. I just put in the code for the Edy detachment so maybe I'll train Marina, she was my favorite sniper from the first game anyway.
@martinf1: It says 10/12, haha.
@Batman: I have it for the PS2. The game was making me miserable in the last few levels, haha. It just felt very imprecise to me.
@mruler360: Indeed, I have Steam (which is where one could obtain that game) but it is Windows only. I've got SC2 as well. And I don't do the MMO thing.
@PoweredByHentai: Stop taunting me... I'm a Mac... and sometimes that makes me sad...
@magusonline: Yea, I know... I want the Fallout 3 DLC but I don't want to drop $50... maybe the GOTY price will go down soon... Or when I get New Vegas I'll forget about the DLC haha.
@josh6135: Psychonauts has a great story / idea / visual style, but the gameplay is only... mediocre. There are a lot of issues with the camera in that game and it has a general loose, almost delayed control of the character which makes some of the more difficult platforming really un-fun...
So I'm working through VC2 right now - which is an amazing game overall - but god I hate the APC escort missions. If I'm using my own APC then it only costs 1 CP to move, but if it is the escort APC it's two CP?.... meh. Also, it's equipped with just a gatling which is borderline useless. Can't even consistently…
@Batman: It's always great when conflict spills out of a game and into your normal life, haha.
@ak-blanc: I would guess stealth canned or they are going to update it post release. If it was Move enabled I feel like they'd be tooting that horn pretty loud.
@magusonline: GOTY comes out Oct 12th for all systems. $60 console, $50 PC.
@effoffpunk: Or just convince them all to buy those games as well. I mean 3/4 of them have big MP components.
@xxnike629xx: I know the unemployment / under-employed buzzkill feeling man. I had an interview on Friday, hoping to get a call back tomorrow. It's not exactly the job I want but at least it'll pay some bills........ Good luck man, this job market has been brutal.
@otherface: Portable Ops is great - if you're getting both play through Portable Ops first b/c Peace Walker is just so much better that going back to MPO is tough. The Ac!d games are pretty cool too, but much quirkier / weirder. There is this whole convoluted turn based system thrown down on top... it is unique. …
@Dobostar: I'm actually on the look out for something to help me get started - but as another poster mentioned I here [creators.xna.com] is a good place to get some info.