Ubik! the Rat Parade

@☭CHARIZARD☭: C++ or C# ... I guess Java is ok if you're just making simple browser games but if you're actually doing some serious coding... oh, and get some good project management software (or whatever it's called) to keep all those files organized....

@Quazimot0: Yea... a friend refuses to return my PS2 copy so I'm glad I'll be able to play through this game again.

@Griimwerkz: VC2 has been like crack for me... I got it on Tuesday, already logged 18 hours.......

@otherface: If you liked SO3 you'll probably like SO4 but it does fall into the typical JPRG tropes - moody main char who must overcome his feelings of blah blah blah blah, everyone has to band together to save the universe blah blah blah. It's fun overall, but you'll probably find yourself skipping cut scenes after

@Hongo: I have every console this generation except for the 360 (I had one and it died). The only reason I don't replace the 360 is b/c I don't have enough time to play the games I have. I agree though, fanboyism is a waste of time. Every company does some great things and a lot of exceedingly stupid things. It

@KaitoKid: I am. I have all the games except for Apollo Justice... and as soon as I see it at a decent price I'll have that one too.

@Hyperblue: What is this laser power adjustment trick of which you speak?

@Koztah: I did until it broke....... sigh.

Donated. I'm generally pleased with the Kotaku community, but what is up with the people questioning why others are giving? Just because you can't help everyone you shouldn't help anyone? It's my money that I worked for and I will give it to whom I choose. Go be a jackass on the internet somewhere else, this isn't

@Weezle41: The game is punishing, but not in an unfair way - it rewards learning the level and proper strategy instead of just running through the level wildly swinging your sword. Get it!

@LucasReis - LOCK2K: Ah, well that might make it more difficult to find - I see the collection listed on ebay for sale at like $50+ which is semi-ridiculous.

@LucasReis - LOCK2K: You can often find MGS: Essential Collection in Targets / KMarts for $30 new. I see it all the time by me.

@MyNameIsNobody: Yea, I was shocked to find out that those were destructible objects. I think the worst tank battle for me was in the train yard with the tank that could lob shots over the train, haha.

@MyNameIsNobody: Haha, yea, Peace Walker might have had the most mentally stable cast of villains... but clearing those final missions against the tanks / helicopters solo were some of the most intense MGS battles. I played through the entire story mode as a pacifist, then got to the extra ops and was like... this

@LucasReis - LOCK2K: Get Peace Walker. This might sound like some sort of MGS blasphemy but it is my favorite one.

@Aenean: Netflix will be on the PS3 w/o a disc after the timed exlcusive with the 360 expires and the monthly charge Hulu is coming to all PS3 users in the near future... and as for whether or not there is ever free Hulu on consoles again that is a terms of service issue with Hulu...

I know there was a lot of backlash at Prince of Persia '08 but I'm not convinced that darker and more futuristic is the answer.

@OrbitofGlass: Haha, I actually haven't had an eye exam in almost 4 years... I hope the don't ask about it when I go to get my license renewed later this month...

@AkumaX: And Etrian Odyssey 3 on the 21st.

Stupid beer-b-q yesterday, I can't find my glasses now, which means I can't drive home, which means I can't play videogames. What a waste of a holiday.