Ubik! the Rat Parade

@Manipulated_Variable: I'm holding off... I haven't been impressed by a Spider-Man game in ages.

@Batousi: I was just kidding - after my initial trophy high (I've earned 12 or 13 plats... I forget... and need one or two more trophies on 2 games to platinum them...) I've gone back to my normal enjoy the game at my own pace style of play. I realized chasing trophies was actually making gaming unenjoyable for me.

@Batousi: They started giving out meaningless rewards for doing things I was going to do anyway. Now, without them, I just don't see the point in doing those things anymore.

@lonewanderer: He said it was his fear the held him back in the end though. That and real g-forces working on him. They should have interviewed the course trainer guy a bit more for where the course was misleading though.

@Alex Hayter: Haha, yea. Also, I just realized I had a typo as well... should be Throw, not Thow...

@sackboy14: It's not a demo and sadly a 360 exclusive.

A Bruce Davidson shot! He is one of my favorite photographers. Also, Lewis Baltz and Stephen Shore.

But if the director a few billion dollar grossing movies were to come along...

@GimmeCat: Haha, I know, I disagree about not getting a PSP. It might be the most under supported system but it does get a lot of quality games.

@karoc: Hey, like I said what has been coming out for the PSP has been right up my alley. I've been playing the hell out of it with current releases.

@GimmeCat: There aren't a lot of big PSP releases this holiday season. They posted a previous article about it... [kotaku.com]

@FrankenPC: Any 2.5 inch HDD will work.

@KeitaKoneko: Haha, well not to spoil anything but when you obtain 2 black hexes in the end-game make sure you exit the dungeon and go check out Neverland. The hardest challenges and most ridiculous costumes can be found there.

@KeitaKoneko: TWEWY was great as well... the problem with the DS is while there tons of RPGs most of them are either unoriginal or broken. Sands of Destruction was an interesting game, but it's battle system is so broken that there is only one way to play the game and your characters become ridiculously overpowered

@GeshGav: So... I'm not sure if you heard... there isn't going to be an episode 3.

@Vamplosion: There were 3 dlc packs for Valkyria Chronicles - Hard EX Missions, Edy Detachment, and Behind Her Blue Flame. I'm on the US PSN so I have no idea why there are two Edy packs... but there is only one in actuality.

@Diamond Sea: Good luck doing it in assembler... high level languages are so much easier to code.