
This show was slow to start, and a not great timeslot, which ultimately doomed it, but luckily due to the writers strike NBC ran all 13 episodes. It did take a little getting used to Kevin McKidds American accent (which he seems to have picked up by trying to do his best Ray Romano impression) but by the end this

After watching the finale, I hope this doesn't end up cancelled. It really did just get extremely interesting at the final hour.

And no, the peacekeeper wars don't count. The show had just been blown wide open and had AT LEAST a couple more seasons to go...

I just tried to watch Terra Nova and the pilot was so utterly annoying and hit so many cliches I couldn't even get to the second episode. I cared not for the family and their need to have an illegal child, it just seemed like such an entitled thing to do. Basically, I hated them all. I did like the dinosaurs.

I still think it was the best Stargate show they did.

I would have to say Carnivale. The ending still pisses me off.

Stargate Universe. It really struggled in the beginning, but the last half of the last season (the 2nd? I think) was getting excellent. It ended just as it was finding its footing and coming into its own.

Stargate SGU was just starting to get its own legs and really interesting when SyFy decided to pull the plug. It's a real shame, IMO.

Almost Human suffered from poor marketing, a delayed premiere date and Fox airing the episodes out of order. The adventures of John and Dorian were only just beginning!

The USSR tested their spacesuits in vacuum chambers, but the technology of the time just wasn't equal to matching the harsh environment of space. From Leonov's past interviews, they managed to test the suits in a hyperbaric chamber equivalent to an altitude of 60 kilometres, but that's no where near the real-life

Oh yeah.

For some reason the Jonathan Frakes one hit me particularly hard. That's genuine class there.

I've been thinking about what to say about the passing of Leonard Nimoy and how he affected my life.

Phase II was going to be the linchpin show of a new Paramount network, so yes, it would indeed have been a network show. :) The real reason the series turned into a movie was because Paramount abandoned their plans for the network (until the late 90s, of course).

The problem was the ecosystem at the time. After Star Wars, everybody wanted big budget movies (esp. Paramount) rather than the mercurial TV market. Phase II was supposed to be one of the series to anchor the 4th network called Paramount Television Service, with only two shows: Star Trek Phase II, and "movie of the

How I Met Your Mother
Two and a Half Men
The Big Bang Theory

He seems to be doing a Robert Vaughn impersonation, and I kind of love it.

Ballantine used to have the Star Trek contract.

if those things outweigh genocides and mutilations then ok