
I hate to That Guy. I really do, but accuracy is accuracy: “... which means that compared to Earth it gets both much closer and much farther away from the Sun during its 248 Earth-year rotation...”

And while I am sure you can find Big Finish productions for download in the back alleys of the Internet, please don’t. Go to the Big Finish website and purchase what you want to listen to.... It’s the only way these guys get paid.

Exactly. That magnetic field around earth, aside from protecting our butt, is responsible for the Aurora. Aurora are caused by particles from the solar wind getting trapped in earth’s magnetic field and ping-ponging back and forth between our North and South poles until they make their way in to one of the poles. The

Sigh... because it’s Barry being a self-center a-hole. It’s not just some personal decision he’s making for himself: he’s putting the entire planet in danger....just because. It’s ridiculous.

Honestly, for me this was the episode that jumped the shark.

Ok, let me just Devil’s Advocate something here....

Ok, I just saw the episode, and I just read the article... And... Yeah, I don’t see it, sorry. Iris is annoying beyond words. Beyond the horizon. Beyond thought.

I haven’t read this article, because I haven’t seen this episode yet... But the revelation that Iris was the pleasant surprise of the episode fills me with suspicious dread.

All I could think of is “if this councilman thought, for one second, how many 100s of 1000s of dollars annually unfilled potholes cost his constituents in suspension and tire repair, he wouldn’t think twice about authorizing immediate repair work.”

This is a great writeup, and there’s a lot in here, and a lot I’d love to respond to... But I’m stuck in a mirror universe on a tablet. ;-)

I honestly don't understand the praise here... I watched about 20 minutes of the pilot, and it was too ridiculous (and not in a good, charming way) to get into... it felt very full of itself, and very much (as the author points out) like Veronica Mars if Veronica Mars was a zombie.... and that's the problem. It's a

I believe he was quoting Spock

Uh, I'm sorry, but... What?! Did I miss a memo?

Not sure if you intended this as a dig or not, but the "old timey" paperback covers are beautiful works of art. Miticulous in their description of the book under the cover (which the artist clearly read, in most cases) while remaining stunning in conceptualization and design. (Just look at the Lovecraft book you

I'm glad you responded with this conclusion, I was just about the post the same thing. There's been a buildup over the last few seasons where the Machine has been adapting and learning to perceive and communicate with humans on our own turf. It's entirely probable that it has learned one of the communication

please tell me you're joking....

I watch The Cage occasionally if I'm feeling especially nostalgic —- what is surprising is how amazingly it holds up. It was written/directed/acted 50 years ago, and it still relevant and intelligent. Also, I gotta say, even the special effects hold up crazy-well after all of this time.

that was... Amazing. Kudos to you, sir,

for Farscape, you gotta go with with the pilot. Pure gold. "what is WRONG with you people?!"