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since you already used Mal's misbehave speech, @charliejaneanders, the next to pop to mind is this little rouser. It's not only Matt smith's first do-not-eff-with-me monologue, it is his best. It is also the best summation of the role of the Doctor ever.

not sure he counts, but this a-hole sprung immediately to mind. Not convinced Jack Bauer would survive any of his multiple beatings, let alone a nuclear explosion.

I can't find the clip, but every word uttered by character in the Milano after quinn is "rescued" in Guardians of the Galaxy is pure gold.

@fauxcused you just saved me a comment.

I have friends who are obsessed with this show, but I gotta agree it's pretty baseline dumb. First season was quite good until the last episode veered left into ridiculous - the show was intended, I believe, as a miniseries not as a series. At the end of that first season, the network and producers got greedy

Best. Ending. Ever.

why did they make this? Why did I watch this? Why are they making another one? Will I avoid it?

Holy crap, I forgot about that herbie Hancock freakfest of a video..

"I'm going in...!"

Oh, crumbs!

Ok, that made me laugh out loud (really) on an airplane. Thank you.

Oh, and...the very last scene of the Doctor closing the door to the TARDIS: his facial expression was one of complete mistrust. He doesn't trust Clara at all, and therefore the TARDIS doesn't trust her either.

My interpretation of all of the "we are all so special cuz we are all unique" fluffy talk was specifically so that the light bulb would go off in the Doctor's head (as well as our heads') as to why Clara is so odd: she is not unique at all. It's not that we have met Clara before, seen her die, then meet her again

Damn. I literally just went searching for the Liebowitz cover, and you guys beat me to the mention. So here you go. (I so love the cover art from 60s scifi)

How, exactly, could you be baffled by the first trailer? This trailer looks fun, and will probably contribute to packin' 'em into the theater, but its just your basic babes, monsters and bad guys sci-fi popcorn movie trailer.

Yeah, well... Andy Rubin's parents where in the same ROOM I was in when I suggested that the two of them would make wonderful parents. So...they had Andy Rubin because of me...so like...Android was my idea!

I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt an think you're just being a good Apple loyalist, and that religious fervor is causing you to overlook a much bigger issue: one of the purposes of the US PTO is to prevent granting of patents that "have demonstrable prior art" or "obvious art." (Go ahead, have a read: [en

Yup, this actually the real issue. Of course Apple is going to use these patents if they get them - the question is: why in the hell are they getting them?

Ah! Thanks @mac_daddy! That's the closest yet I've seen... I absolutely remember one that was a close up shot of just that mural of photos...

I tried Googling for a photo of this to post, but couldn't find it. In "Star Trek: The Motion Picture," on the "all hands" deck (where Kirk gave his speech about we're "going out there" to the crew), on the wall behind him is a series of 6-7 photographs and sketches that are essentially the evolution of the