Dylan Farrow posted this on her Facebook yesterday:
The future would like a word.
Doggy doggy what wha?
Ok, someone here mentioned only watching the first two episodes and it was like getting punched in the urethra, the urethra of depression. So I have to say this, Fuck you episode two, god damn you all to hell, I was planning on feeling some happiness this weekend before you came around.
I never thought I would love any tv show more than Deadwood, but Bojack Horseman is consistently the best thing I’ve ever seen. I loved the first episode of this new season. My only complaint is that it should now be, “Emmy award winning character actress, Margo Martindale.”
This show gets better and better.
Boy have I got an Idris Elba article for you. Or might you prefer one in a Jon Hamm? You’ll have to go outside the Gizmodo media group though, and tbh i don’t know what the punishment for that is...
I’m already on my second watch-through of this season. It is just so, so very fucking good. I don’t really have anything constructive to add, the first episode was a great vacation from the pit of despair that Bojack’s life can be, but a lot of my commentary will come in the subsequent reviews. I’m really hoping…
Woodchuck being short for Wood Charles is so dumb but made me laugh so hard. This show’s pun work is amazing.
A ridiculous new makeover proves The AV Club cannot succeed without its comments section.
Vincent D’Onofrio continues the long line of great one off cameos in the opening scene. The man can even do comedy well.
I'd say the bigger difference is that Trump actually had policies and political/social standpoints in his campaign. Sure, they lacked substance and credibility but he knew he had to portray at least the loose image of a politician (when it suited him) in order to win.
I think it's pretty clear now: (2017)
Wow, were we all so naive in 2013?
"Under Jack’s control, Waldo has a nastier, more violent streak to him, and incites crowds into throwing shoes and beating people up. This is even harder to believe, especially in the real-world atmosphere the episode creates"
No, you're not crazy. The show definitely implies the guy is from the intelligence community. I think his reference to Waldo as a global entertainment product is a euphemism for the CIA going in and manipulating elections around the world.