
I don’t even think this can be considered a “conspiracy theory” at this point. It’s well documented that white nationalists and dominionists have been actively infiltrating local law enforcement, border agencies and the military for nearly a century.

There’s more concern over the safety of the Trump whistle blowers, in the media, than there was for a young man, who did his civic duty and testified about what he saw and heard in regards to someone being murdered and who lived in fear that he would be the victim of gun violence.

Meh, I’ll never forgive Chuck Todd for 2016. He went after Clinton like Kamala Harris went after minor drug offenders and the mothers of truant children. Meanwhile, with Trump he acted like a star-struck local entertainment reporter interviewing Brad Pitt at a press junket.

I’m sure that he feels a great deal better than before.

To be fair, Dick Cheney has had 8 heart attacks and his overall general health and lifestyle are far worse than Bernie’s.

This would not be another civil war. What we’d likely have is a whole lot of the innocent and the defenseless getting killed in schools.

True, but normally that info is unearthed because the guilty parties hid it. Trump’s willingness to violate federal law in plain sight helps him. When he claims that what he’s doing is legal, for the people who don’t understand the law the fact that he isn’t hiding makes them more willing to believe him.

Not trolling.

Also, “hearsay” is almost always admissible as evidence. There are so many exceptions to the hearsay rule, it usually just comes down to how you’re allowed to frame it in court.

This is one of those people that thought they were “the adults in the room”, trying to wrangle the administration. Guess what asshole, you were still orchestrating and concealing crimes! It’s there in the texts.

I don’t know if removal is ideal, for a whole host of reasons. Politically, I think impeachment and acquittal may be the best outcome for turning over the senate.

Trump isn’t a cause, he’s just a catalyst. Some suggested listening by a sometimes conflict journalist who works with Bellingcat.

To be fair, science says that anyone raised in an ethnically homogenous environment has difficulty telling faces apart for other ethnicities. This builds into an overall empathy gap for anyone outside the community they were raised in.

It may work with his base, and unless there’s another huge bombshell it qill likely keep him from being removed from office. But it won’t help him get reelected.

Strong agree. A contested convention will be heavily influenced by establishment forces who will be ringing their hands about Wall Street donors. The best we could hope for is a Buttegiege.

Oz, who, let’s be clear, has made a career of promoting pseudoscience and whose medical advice should often be taken with a grain of salt...

Non-compete and anti-moonlighting clauses really work to restrict a person’s career options, especially “white collar” for workers and most especially for creative fields.

Warren and Bernie (and their more ardent supporters) are in this weird position where they can’t praise each others proposals, even though they clearly agree with them and would absolutely be co-signing them if they were just legislating.

I feel like some version of this PSA article gets posted two or three times a year.

For a party that prioritizes toxic masculinity it’s amazing how Trump was able to humiliate Ted Cruz, Mitt Romney, and Rudy Giuliani (just to name people off the top of my head) who continue to eat his shit.