
If we can't look up to Ken Bone, then who can we look up to?

He should open a payday loan chain and call it "Stall-loans."

or Did Anyone Care?

My quick Adele impression:

I read this and all I came away with was William Shakespeare's Butthole Surfers.

I'm picturing that meeting now.

Rest in Peace, guy that I always confuse with another actor.

no, that's what he calls his pot-brownies….

Jimmy Olson stops Harrison and points at Calista - "You came in that thing? You're braver that I thought!"

It's a teen crack whore.

Another fun fact: His ass looks big, too!

Remember when Norman Lear was one of the more creative men in TV long, long, long, long, long ago… Rest in Peace, Norman Lear.

I read that headline as "Jay Leno enjoyed Jay Leno's jokes."

Kelsey Grammer should play the part of a UN ambassador - OHHHHH!!!! DEAR LORD!!!…… ewww….. ow…. ewww… ow… ewww…

“short window” when he’s not filming Better Call Saul, and working on his blowing up the moon project.

Star Trek Into Litigation.

*pulls out sunglasses
"It looks like Yacht…."
*puts on sunglasses
"…has been sunk."

"Remember that show you were in about the two sluts in Milwaukee? That was awesome! *gawk!"

The last episode ends with Alan Alda killing live chickens as they roll down a conveyor belt.

Every WTF podcast: "So, I remember you and you've gone on to great things. So, what do you think about me? Because I was around and you were around and then you've gone on to bigger things. Do you remember me? I remember those times and all about me - do you remember me."