
“The Democratic Party establishment never misses an opportunity to miss an opportunity.”

Remember that time in Deep Blue Sea he got bitten in half? Good times...

While Rapaport is out here begging for attention, revisit what he did to Lili Taylor. He loves bothering women who want nothing to do with him.

Dear Michael Rapaport: Women are not here to look attractive for you.

The Trump Foundation has done great work and given away lots of money, both mine and others, to great charities over the years - with me taking NO fees

But at least Steny Hoyer’s not a Republican!

Ya know, I’m usually on the side of believing the woman anyway but when a network throws that much forkin’ money at the problem to make it go away, then they knew the abuse was really horrible and that she had them over a barrel.

And, even with video evidence, his former co-stars are Kavanaughing all over Twitter talking about what a great guy he is and how awesome he is to work with.

I don’t have anything interesting to say today so I will just post this hilarious tweet I found.

Yes; I just wish it were possible for people to take women seriously in the face of harassment regardless of whether or not that woman can prove she’s a cool girl or not. 

The things she’s endured in her life...the fact that she’s still going despite all these assholes is a testament to her strength and courage.

classic case of what Kate Manne calls “himpathy” - the inappropriate and disproportionate sympathy powerful men often enjoy in cases of sexual assault, intimate partner violence, homicide and other misogynistic behavior.

ok. so they have those vaults with the plates in the case of an extinction level event going down, partly so that anyone finding the pieces in the future will believe we were all scientologists and hubbard was our god-emperor. thats how serious they are about this shit. it makes me think about the bene gesserit in

I hate that she has to consistently say he did this when there’s video proof to back her up and everyone is like, “Oh, but he would never do this. He’s such a great guy.” It’s like Brett fucking Kavanaugh all over again. Men are believed, women are doubted.

That sounds like a particularly harrowing experience. And I hate knowing that, culturally, she’s forced to couch retelling her experience with proof that she can work with men/put up with non-sexual harassment jokes made at her expense/can put up with playing a sexist or objectifying part.

It would take maybe 2-3 dedicated stoners about 2 days to wipe out your life’s work, assuming of course you have more words than what you just wrote!

This says it all (reply to the fucking moron Wohl)

Coulter insisted that if Trump doesn’t get his wall built, he’ll be remembered for a “joke presidency”

Someone forgot to tell that to the Chinese, when they did just that in 476 BC

Coulter insisted that if Trump doesn’t get his wall built, he’ll be remembered for a “joke presidency” and as someone who “scammed the American people, amused the populist for a while, but he’ll have no legacy whatsoever.”