
You’re not allowed to call an oligarch an “oligarch”. Those are the rules handed down by the oligarchs.

The really frightening thing, to me, is the next step: more real than real. Which, is the ideal expression of the hyperreal. The simulacra/simulation is preferable and becomes the new, established reality. At least as far as I understand this stuff.

Yes. Social media is a perfect expression of the Spectacle, because people stop relating to themselves directly, and relate to this idea of who they are that has been commodified. It’s completely insidious.

I’m liking the concept, but we can’t call it a holiday, because it’s the anti-holiday-holiday. So, like, we just take a month and do whatever the fuck we want. I like the idea more than cake or presents or weird traditions.

I mean, they’re republicans, so I think it’s safe to assume the descriptive label is the opposite of what they actually do.

Argh, why are you grey? Maybe if I reply it’ll bring you out...

Noomi Rapace as the Queen?

First Contact was a solid film. Personally I liked the Picard as Ahab aspect.

I was making a reference to his standard payoff for porn stars.

Objective facts aren’t important anymore. What is time, anyways? How long has trump been president? Ten years?

130 thousand...

That’s why I want a new month with no holidays at all as a bulwark against this encroachment. Once it’s in place then we can shore it up and make it a truly anti-holiday month.

I’m sure that’s true, but she actually looked at those and thought it was a good idea to wear them. If I was a woman (even a conservative one) I wouldn’t be caught dead in that shit.

I was suggesting inventing an entirely new month and just stuffing it in there, because nothing matters anymore.

The process was kicked into overdrive by capitalism, though. This shit is exactly what the Situationists were warning us about.

No it was definitely sudafed because he had to show his ID at the grocery store.

Yeah, we know Nixon kept lists of his enemies, and trump does as well (although in his case I think he keeps the list in his head, which might be the only thing his memory is good at).

I admit that I sometimes get hung up on weird details like that.

I think he’s railing sudafed off the resolute desk.

That won’t work. Christmas is like the Borg - it will assimilate all other holidays. What we need is to insert a new month between November and December with no holidays in it.