First thing I thought was man would those Pedrinis look nice on my Beetle. I’ll just ring them right up and see if they will swap for some old steelies and the Air Supply tape I found in the glovebox.
First thing I thought was man would those Pedrinis look nice on my Beetle. I’ll just ring them right up and see if they will swap for some old steelies and the Air Supply tape I found in the glovebox.
I can’t see why in the hell they would leave out the fifth point of the belt which really is not so much to keep you from flying out from under the harness but rather to keep the lap belt down on your strong bony pelvis and not in tension among your squishy gut components. Three pointers and clever four pointers with…
I’m not so sure it hit anything. Looks like it may have been a classic case of douchebag overpressurization.
It’s fun with the right car but the wrong one on a wet day will leave two square feet of seat material pinched between your cheeks once you manage to pry your terror seized fingers off the wheel to unlatch your harnesses. I had the misfortune to judge the weather wrong once in a big HP Fox body on Hoosier baldies and…
Wow. Solid examples of why you don’t mess with the Sierras in winter and those are some great stories. I learned my lesson over 20 years ago when I tried to head home over 50 in a ‘95 Mustang GT 5-speed on Gatorbacks. Surprise snowstorm moved in and there was nowhere to chain up so I spent hours in second gear slowly…
I-80 up over the pass has been an unmitigated shit show for the past two weeks. I took the family up for the only two clear days last week and the conditions were relatively stupid tending to completely mental with sheets of ice everywhere and dipshits with AWD and summer tires thinking they were Finnish rally drivers…
I still remember when they did the “Baja” in that truck. Loved that one almost as much as the bad ass GMC from the “Fall Guy”.
Excellent. I regularly refer to messed up things as “Munsoned”.
I think all those twinkling sparkles in the background are the stage lights refracting off the magic dust the Fuck Up Fairy has been sprinkling over the stage.
I am usually a fan of lost causes but I bet there is plenty of horror and filler under that awful bodywork and paint. I don’t buy the story about the salvage title being the result of theft of the front bodywork and even if that is true stolen cars are usually pretty butchered in terms of wiring and other areas so…
There was a family in my neighborhood that had seven or eight Alfa Romeo sedans packed into their driveway but that was a completely rational as they needed that many to ensure that they had at least one working car to drive to work and school. This guy, on the other hand, is straight up loony as he could probably…
Damn. He must be a pro level boozer to be that coherent at .28. For me, that qualifies as “furniture breaking drunk” as that level causes me to have issues with the whole gravity thing and I am not a small man.
Looks like they have no idea how to fix the Gen 2's yet, so I imagine it will be many years before they get this sorted out with some folks positing it won’t be until 2020 or so. My warranty will go tits up in 2019 so most likely the loss of performance from any fix will be a problem for the next owner after I take my…
It was glorious.
I was lucky enough to grow up in an SoCal suburb in the ‘80's so there was all sorts of “rad” stuff in both the faculty and the student lots. The school I went to was pretty spendy so there were some kids with many cubic dollars and for the most part they rolled up in whatever the new hot Euro car was like 325i…
As someone who graduated high school in the ‘80's and is a card carrying PCA member I should be hollering about getting that garbage off my lawn and casting elephantine shade on a rich kid getting Pops to pay for his latest toy whilst a neat Bourdainesque bespoke 4K video is shot.
Good info. Thanks for real deal knowledge.
Knowing Porsche, they probably are trying to keep people from getting all DIY-frisky. I work on older aircooled stuff all the time, but the only times I have attempted to work on the 958 I have managed to bork things up because many of the systems are unbelievably complex and require the use of spendy tools. I just…
Dang. I had no idea that was part of Magnusssen-Moss. Thanks for the knowledge!
As pointed out below by 7liter, I would have to guess this was done so that inattentive owners would not space on the DEF going short and possibly get stranded and “pissy”. I agree that the DEF usage has zero to do with oil life and I surmise that it’s just a customer service ploy. I use about a gallon every 5k and…