I sure hope he gets a new show quick. His in-depth repairs in the shop were always the highlight for me!
I sure hope he gets a new show quick. His in-depth repairs in the shop were always the highlight for me!
Old girlfriend’s 66 Ford Mustang. It was awesome to look at, but terrifying to drive. Brakes were awful, seat belts always loose, big V8 with plenty of power and a hood that was hard to see over. Still... I’d take that car in an instant. Was one sexy ride!
Ditto! I was there in 2012 and it was absurd just walking to the track from the busses. The sound was like angels trumpets. I went to Montreal in 2015 and was standing at the fence with no earplugs, it was pathetic. :(
Gal... Lard. Oh. FTFY
The hottest girl in school is without a prom date at the moment.
Lincoln Co.
Absolutely! Even if only to cut off the nose and mount it on my living room wall!
Reminds me of a Pontiac Aztek... bleh
Not hard at all. Caught fire, melted... looks like a VW Beetle. Must be a Porsche.
Bout time. I am super stoked for this race. Want to see the new BMW M6s in action as well as the Ford GT more than anything.
I must attend next year. These cars are amazing!
Maybe NC is where the bank is. ;) The rest of the operation is across the pond. Either way... American has a home team!
An absolute LEGEND. Lucky enough to see him live and bring down the house. He will be missed!
Cheers to my home town! Loved the sound listening to jets at El Toro.
No anatomy references in the comments? I must be the only 12 year old grown man.
Wide hips. Perfect. These BMWs are like bikini models on wheels. Damn sexy.