
They’re vultures with good PR. Go to any dump in BC or Alaska and you’ll see dozens to hundreds of them eating garbage.

I live in Colorado, where we have Bald Eagles, and various other Hawks and Raptors all around our area. While living here, if you love your small dogs and cats, you learn REAL QUICK not to leave them outside in the back yard unattended.

Just for grins, here is the Franklin quote in question:

And speaking of Wonderfalls: Pushing Daisies. It was just such a wonderful, joyous show (even if the main characters could never touch each other) that I never wanted it to end. Unfortunately, like all things Bryan Fuller, it ended too soon.

Occassionally I can find a half bottle of port. Those have become the only ones I buy because otherwise it goes bad before I finish drinking it.

A couple of years ago I did a vertical tasting of Fullers Vintage- every year going back to 2007. 5 years appeared to be the sweet spot. Anything older had just degraded (rather rapidly).

The ODD years are excellent in my experience (‘09, ‘11, ‘13) the even, less so (‘10, ‘12). Likely a coincidence...

Just killed my last 2013 last week. Happiness and sadness in the same glass.

Tasty beer. I always felt it deserved a snazzier label, though I guess old ales aren’t especially “sexy.” Also North Coast is underrated as a brewery.

She’s my buddy, goes everywhere with me during the day. We are, officially, one of those big guy/little dog combos.

(Disclaimer: I’m not a nutritionist or a fitness expert, and I never really work out; I’ve just read some things on the internet.)

omg. i’m this trash person. sometimes i add salt to water if i’m feeling particularly lightheaded or after a workout. yall. this means you gotta ban me. i am that person. kate. you’re still my girl. gwen, i love you. kevin, i’m sorry i let you down.

This fad has me really upset, to an unusual degree, you could say i’m very....something over it. Just can’t think of the word.

In your defense I got my parents tickets to a Fleetwood Mac concert for my mom’s birthday. She came back gushing “I didn’t realize that one band played most of my favorite songs!” This is someone who was an adult in the era the band was producing its best music.

Lol neither can i. But tbh, i grew up on motown, funk and disco cuz my parents loved to dance and sing.

Now playing

I fear any jokes I make would be ripped straight from this gag off Colbert from yesterday.

Munchos, like Pringles, occupy their own unique slot. Potato substance, but not chips. I do enjoy both.

Liquor licenses in New Jersey are stupidly expensive so we have a lot of BYOB restaurants around. Luckily, every third business is a liquor store so it’s never an issue to drop in and pick up a bottle or three on the way to go out to eat.

Yea, I’m really glad Minnesota finally got rid of that stupid Blue Law... After I stopped drinking...

My philosophy on toasts: