
Different process and outcome. In distillation, you boil and condense to get the pure substance you want, such as alcohol. When you make an eisbock, you simply make a standard bock, freeze it, and remove some of the water to strengthen it. It increases the ABV, but to a fairly limited degree.

Lolwhut? Macallan thinks you should reshape a cube into a sphere, instead of just freezing the sphere in the first place? *SNORK* Talk about your appliance in search of a purpose.

Do you realize what you’re doing, you son of a bitch? You’re turning them onto whiskey. There are already enough assholes ruining whiskey. We do not need more of these dorks.

I used to pour it on my fried eggs. And my aunt used to feed me scrambled eggs with rice.

I’ve seen Macallan’s sphere-maker. I have 2 silicon molds that do the same thing that cost $5.

Great, because there aren’t already enough people standing around uselessly in the grocery store, getting in everyone’s way.

No love for Stephanie? How rude!

Completely unrelated to IPA topic (I needed a beer column, sorry!)

You’re “concentrating,” which is just distilling but in a different state of matter, I suppose.

Hey now, I’m onboard the Gibbler train!

I’m always right on the verge of talking myself into watching Fuller House simply because they brought her back.

Eh, I have always loved Hopslam, but I used to be all about the bitterness. Since I’ve started having NE style the last couple years, I found I like it way less.

I’m an IPA nerd (I was looking at my Untappd check-ins and fully 75% of them are IPAs of one sort or another) but I don’t really love the hazy trend. The tropical or candy-like topnotes are not my favorite. I’d rather my IPA taste a little bit like grapefruit or pine needles! I’m not gonna pass it up, usually, but I’m

I think that a lot of Big Babies are claiming to be “SUPERTASTERS” these days, like Christopher Kimball (“SWEET BABY JESUS - IS THAT CRACKED PEPPER? I AM LITERALLY DYING TO DEATH RIGHT NOW! I NEED TO LAY DOWN.”), but when we’re talking IPA’s, all I taste is hideous death and engine degreaser and ball-bat rosin.

Everything people say they HATE about gin, is what I HATE about IPA’s. All I taste is Pine-Sol and piss. My Bruh-In-Law is a super-good dude, bartends, takes beer super-seriously, lives in Breckenridge. We were out picking some beers up for a family get-together, I listened to all his recommendations, nodded sagely,

I’m migrating over to the sour side tasting whatever fits that definition. Still, I love the IPAs in their various forms, single, double, quad, mosaic, juicy, session. If it’s good, it’s good.

Breweries like Heirloom Rustic Ales (out of Tulsa); pFriem (Hood River); and Live Oak (Austin) give me hope that non-IPA breweries can be not just vitally relevant but also have the hip “it” factor.

Unrelated, should I get “PILS LIFE” knuckle tattoos?

Lol. I don’t even remember that! I wonder if it was playing in my neck of the woods, which was the LA area. And ain’t no shame. Embrace your embarassing roots. Builds character.

I mean I’ve been to good breweries too that don’t give a shit about trends, but in certain cities the hipsters have taken over.