
There are stores like this, yes, but its not that regular isn’t available, it is a matter where the store image is “Kettle,” sort of a gourmet concept.

OMG those rip up my gums. And then, because you have to chew them so long, they turn into a tasteless paste in your mouth :(

Sub contracted beer intended to make up for short production capacity doesn’t work like that. They won’t brew some of each product at their home/local facility and some at the other. It gets broken up by the individual product. *All* of a particular beer for the entire market. Even the local one. Will be brewed at a

I’ll grab it when I get home tonight around supper, fair warning: the dough is REAL sticky...it can be messy if you aren’t prepared. Otherwise typical bread recipe, bunch a raisin’ and praisin’. (I drink heavily while making bread)

These are very good:

I don’t know i’m always up for salt and vinegar

Prince’s Superbowl halftime performance was truly epic! Possibly the best halftime show, and he did it in the rain, in heels, playing his guitar.

A put Alito ketchup on my dog; so sue me.

Ditto. If I’m out working on a car or mowing the lawn during the summer months, it’s quite refreshing. I’ve also been known to bring a case to my rec league softball games and telling the team that I expect every last beer to be gone by the time we finish the game.

This a question that’s been dogging us for generation.

I’ve found that anything thicker than about 2 inches tends to get looks. Mostly the, “slow down, nerd” type.

.....my real issue is that she believes she’s double the age of a college student. SURE.

“Dweeb” is the best word for this guy. Like, it’s beer, and not even particularly excellent beer, Brendan.

I generally like reading about how things work, but this column seems to have gotten mired in prosaic etiquette questions with the occasional bout of class warfare. Perhaps the scope of the feature could be expanded (with additional experts) to address a broader range of questions about the whys and wherefores of the

Side note: I have a great english muffin recipe if anyone is interested.

“...slap a pad of butter on top of one muffin half, then “close” the other muffin side on top of it. Heated from the top and bottom, the butter melts faster than if you’d buttered the halves separately.”

Ecchi manga will probably get you some looks.

My wife makes these for me sometimes, but with a little cream mixed into the egg batter with some spinach, bacon, and sauteed mushrooms. Calls em “mini quiches.” They are heavenly after being popped into the microwave at the office, along iwth a cup of coffee.

Philip K. Dick’s Exegesis. I don’t think most people even knew what it was, but I can’t imagine what I would say if someone had asked me what I was reading.

I was an upperclassman undergraduate economics tutor working in a university-ran tutoring service. My job was to help people who were struggling in Econ 200/201 (entry-level Micro/Macro economics).