Please, please report back if you do. And I actually like my Instant Pot, though it hasn’t been life-changing. Melissa Clark’s recipe book is a great resource.
Please, please report back if you do. And I actually like my Instant Pot, though it hasn’t been life-changing. Melissa Clark’s recipe book is a great resource.
No, no, no. You want to drink straight from the box’s spigot. It’s classier.
Just looked it up.
I am not sure. I once saw my 10 lb chihuahua when he did go out to pee leave a spot the size of German Shepherd. If you have a young male chihuahuas watch how high they try to pee. They will almost stand on their heads. Even funnier was two chihuahuas getting into a pissing contest. I didn’t have to worry about weeds…
Hi hun. You seem to think redneck is a bad thing. Did you get stuck holding Bubba’s beer while he did something incredibly stupid? That would be extreme redneck. Did you get to see plenty of half dressed women? Texas, sun, very few clothes. Southern women don’t like getting all dewy. Plenty of music means dancing. I…
.........................i mean how do i respond to that
Wait. I thought you were supposed to drink straight from the bottle.
Um why? That doesn’t make sense to me. I can understand not wanting to go every day, so maybe (but not really) I can see going every 2 days. But once a week? And keeping the big macs in the car? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Just a fun little fact, a chihuahua can drink anywhere from 8 to almost 16 oz of water in under a minute. His water bowl holds 16 oz. So animals are taking in copious amounts of fluids quickly.
I didnt even read that. That is horribly disgusting. Imagine eating a big mac on friday that you bought on sunday.
If they ever make another stab at a Super Mario Bros. movie, it must be Andrew WK in charge of explaining the worldbuilding.
But WK doesn’t rhyme with “Fixin” nearly as well.
Andrew W.K. is the anti-Morrisey.
The thing is, eggs are an easy place to start if you care about the treatment of animals. Even with some pasture raised eggs going for $5/dozen, that is still a very cheap animal protein.
I’ve researched the topic of eggs, and from what I can tell as far as flavor goes an egg is an egg is an egg. Eggs from chickens raised in certain ways may have a brighter colored yolk, but as far as flavors go they are identical to the mass produced super market eggs. That’s why I roll my eyes when people talk about…
I was a grocery store cashier for years, and it’s a combination of ignorance and willful disregard. I would usually move a display rack of chips out to block behind the last person when I shut my light off, because I would say 75% of people just don’t pay attention to the light at all.
Grading on the “Culver’s curve.”
ew really? that’s kind of gross
Real Housewives of Potomac
I love that this show’s setting is basically “Britpop”.