
But you don’t understand! The Mexican hamburger mix baked potato is crucial to this guy’s ability to watch his weight. Especially since he can’t just eat salads every day. More toppings and fillings for Slim over here.

I Skipped right over the linked articles to ask my question, next time I’ll slow down lol. thanks for the link

Get a knife or fork and “scramble” the bottom crust and pie contents into a sludge, leaving the top of the side crust. Then bite off a corner of the crust and then tilt the pie toward the corner and kind of “slurp” it like you’re drinking it. The remaining side crust will act as sort of a “funnel” to direct the pie

Yeah, I was going to recommend Scotch. May I also recommend hiding the bottle after? Your wife’s coworkers can drink something other than your good single malt.

It’s pretty amazing how stuff like that breaks. For me, most IPAs give me worse drymouth than smoking weed, and fuck up my sinuses. The yeastier and lower IBU, the better. A good buddy of mine is an IPA fiend, and I want to like the suggestions he makes, but just simply cannot most of the time. Very frustrating. I

Coming in with a hot take: New Glarus is pretty mediocre beer and I have no idea why people are so hype about it.

The super fruity ones for sure, but for example Alien Church by TH is pretty down the middle. It’s an IPA made from Oats and I love it with Thai and other spicy foods. Bissell Bros stuff is also more straight-up from what I’ve had. I’m not a traditional Thanksgiving meal guy so I’m going to be pounding stuffed shells

I agree and I’d say stick with a Pilsner for Thanksgiving, something reasonably hoppy.

If you are in the market for a brown and get Dogfish Head distro.... Problem solved:

Rocky’s Revenge is a great call, and pretty obscure. You a fellow ‘sconnie?

Yes, I usually buy a brown or Scotch ale for Thanksgiving. Have a six of Bells Best Brown in the fridge. I’m not a fan of wheat beers.

You worked at TB? If so you remember quick beans?

NO ONE is making a proper Bitter anywhere near here! It’s a tragedy! With all the amazing different styles of beer available, it’s all hop-bomb IPAs or ultra stouts aged in unicorn-tear barrels with a limited release of 5 and a half bottles.

I recently found a Baker’s Square with a drive through pie window.

Hot take! Pie is better than cake. By a lot.

I’m making a sweet potato pie this year, from scratch, with sweet potatoes I grew in the back garden. I don’t answer to Big Pie™, is what I’m saying here.

Oh man, wait til I tell you about drive-thru pharmacies. Imagine people gobbing fistfuls of anti-depressants and vicodin while heading over to Grandma’s.

What a world...what a world...!

First of all, I’ve never used hyperbole, not even once.

Clearly you’ve never eaten a pie while driving. This is not even remotely the best technique.