
Yeah. It’s sad he lived a life so terrible that the world celebrates his death.

You can’t square yourself by dying.

And it infects the young too. My Aunt and her husband, who have Fox News running nearly all day, turned their son, a curious, meteor shower obsessed 8 year old, into someone who would ask someone, “Did you vote for Obama?” and, if answered in the affirmative, would call that person a, “Socialist, Communist, N****r

The damage caused by Roger Ailes is truly breathtaking in its impact and scope. Professionally, he was a proto-Rove Richard Nixon accomplice and enabler who went on to found the most powerful and pervasive propaganda network in modern history, which was profoundly responsible for training millions to disregard

It’s good when bad people die and can no longer make the world shittier.

Time to Godwin, but would it have been bad to celebrate Hitler’s death? If you say no, then it’s not a matter of whether it’s wrong to celebrate a death, it’s just a matter of line drawing.

Skull fucked to death by a gang white nationalists who discover he’s 25% black.

Waterboarded to death by pissing Russian prostitutes.

Been daydreaming all morning about my dream Roger Ailes death scenario.

Ailes was a slurry pond with legs, and his death should be sung to the high heavens. He and Scalia are two of the only people whose deaths I celebrate

My main Japanese source is a woman. I spoke with about 8 Japanese critics total. A few identified as feminists, but that didn’t bleed into their views on fan service.

The Confederate battle flag isn’t a symbol of racism? That’s like saying the Nazi Party Flag isn’t a symbol of antisemitism. The Confederate battle flag was flown by armies defending their “States’ Rights” to continue to enslave people of African descent. Read the Mississippi declaration of secession. It flat out

This is a bad comment and you should feel bad for making it.

Confederate Flags represent the rights of states to decide for themselves the rules of that state’s society.

In your own words:

“Note, the Flag of the Confederacy (stars and bars) and the Virginia army battle flag (Dukes of Hazzard) are not really interchangeable and definitely are not symbols of racism as some media outlets may want you to believe.”

In addition to the Mississippi one, there are also fun declarations of secession from Georgia, Texas, and South Carolina

Several states literally list slavery as the primary reason in their articles of secession. Don’t romanticize treason and slavery. The flags are the flags of people who wanted to own other people. They are inherently symbols of racism. They may deserve to be displayed in a museum or text book in a learning

I thought writers were supposed to be objective, without bias, slant or personal opinions mixed in...

Funny how there is always someone to fly to the defence of racist assholes. Traitor racist assholes.