Hey Katherine, any relation to Maggie Wisniewski?
Hey Katherine, any relation to Maggie Wisniewski?
Hey Katherine, any relation to Maggie Wisniewski?
Hey Katherine, any relation to Maggie Wisniewski?
Peter King is a complete stooge. He talks of football like its some form of humanitarian crusade instead of what it really is, a game. Enjoy it i say, but let’s not act like these guys are some heroes saving people and their children.
Can everyone stop being all nerdy and get away from the specs for a minute? There’s something to be said for build quality, look, and feel of a product. That counts for a lot when buying a laptop (Fahey rightfully tried to steer the conversation there by mentioning the aluminum chassis).
Got it!
Seriously though, haven’t found ONE game that can hold my attention on the smartphones... Pretty sure it’s the controls... Pretty sure..
I’d def give it 4 out of 5 stars. I watched it in IMAX 3D.
Prince John the phony king of eeennngglnadd!!
I don’t play many games but do buy the same 3 franchises every year: halo, Nba 2k, and madden.
8 hours to walk across = 5 mins on a bike?
Darn! It's like a movie!
So they’re estimating that the size of the VR market will be as big as the gaming market is now. Somehow, based on my experience in the industry, that seems like a puff of smoke (I could be wrong of course).
Songs = Sonys
This is a great write up and makes me feel pretty good about owning an Xbox. I really only play multiplayer games like Nba 2k16, madden, and Halo 5, but damnit I would’ve loved to see Street fighter on the Xbox. Really can’t think of a game that’s as appealing to me than that. Looks like an amazing refresh.
The bad guys look great, but that’s just not a link i’d wanna play with.. No homo 😂
Wow.. Possibly the most beautiful looking game ever getting a next gen sequel. I'm totally psyched, and I don't even have a ps4, nor did I play the first. But I'm jazzed damnit!!
I’m afraid. Very afraid. I love Nintendo gaming experiences. Most of my fav memories of gaming have come on Nintendo systems.
“MIcrosoft has continued to highlight smaller victories - outselling PS4 on a given month in the US, for example - only without the benefit of an update to the bigger picture. In October this year, the company said that it would no longer reveal Xbox hardware sales in its financial reports, choosing to focus on…
Geez, that’s a lot of deals, fun times!
Geez, that’s a lot of deals, fun times!
Was chrono trigger really that good? I'm not into RPGs but it seems to be revered like panzer dragoon saga is for the saga Saturn.
I was a swag genesis fanboy until one killer app changed all that.