
Tony Scott made the original the cultural phenomenon it became. With those actors and that style he could have made a hit about thumb wrestling.

It’s a movie about the Navy, so....

Some of you don’t read the words, it drives me nuts. It is not good vs bad fighter. It is about opportunity cost and what we could be doing with the funds instead of the F-35. It is about a flawed concept from the beginning and a mismanaged program now. So sick of everything being this over-simplified super bowl like

I have to admit, where I saw a ton of waste in the previous graphics, this one has me incredibly surprised at how few aviation assets are available to the Coast Guard.

I respect your question. I can understand how it could be confusing to see time and money spent on guarding the tomb of an unknown person, but let me ask you this. What is a culture? What does it mean to be American? There are a lot of people today who make being American a crime that you are born with like original