Its called sensational news, the only thing worse than L.A. news is getting an inch of snow in Portland Oregon where the “Storm of the Century” hits every winter shutting down schools, businesses and government agencies.
Its called sensational news, the only thing worse than L.A. news is getting an inch of snow in Portland Oregon where the “Storm of the Century” hits every winter shutting down schools, businesses and government agencies.
Good thing JFK didn’t have siblings hanging out in the White house...wait a minute...
First of all congratulations on some really great click-bate headline!! Your awesome. Seriously, 99% of people have no idea what CEOs do, they just see a paycheck and don’t see the value because they can’t relate to the “work” that CEOs perform behind closed doors. Before you bash CEOs take a look at college and…
I really don’t care about the goofiness of seeing a Cyclops when a turn signal is being used, i’m just thankful that someone is still using their turn signal. However, I’m so sick of seeing people driving at night with their vanity DRL’s on but they have no headlights and no taillights on going down the freeway doing…
20 Year veteran here...its a very slippery slope complaining that Military discounts in any form are not gracious enough. Personally, I appreciate any company that discounts their merchandise for a service members service, but I don’t EVER make a stink about companies that don’t or are selective. Lets face it taking…
I live in SoCal and to do it right you have a house built new with solar built into the price of the home rather than leasing it for 20 yrs or writing a fat check to have it installed. I can tell you first hand that the electricity rates are absolutly obsurd (like many utilities) in SoCal and solar leases provide…
If i’m spending $30-$40K for a EV/Plug in hybrid trust is very important, I agree. Most manufacturers provide 8-10yr warranties on their batteries so I feel like they stand behind the product. I know if you have a problem with a Tesla battery its sealed, so any defects will get you a completely new battery.
I saw Honda’s Fuel Cell demonstators at the recent autoshow and I couldn’t help but scratch my head. Why would I want to have to find a Hydrogen station and pay who-knows-what for a fill up when I can have solar panels on my roof powering my home and keeping my car topped of for basically free? It seems like fuel…
Fact: Comparing our military expendatures to any other country is shallow and rediculous. Fact: The US isn’t surrounded by other countries that can share in the burden of defending our borders like Asian or European countries enjoy. However, the down side to living in those regions would be that every century some…
On 9/11/01 everyone appreciated that we had the capability to put the worlds most highly trained and capable miltary force into action in the air, land and sea. Did you appreciate that when the President called that someone actually answered? Did you appreciate that despite public opinion and consistent defense cuts…
More people need to hear your message!. I served in the USAF from 1990-2013 and all I knew was less (people)...less (money)...less (experience). Bottom line, once you’ve closed, consolidated and cut all the people that remain, all people can do is LESS!!! AND THIS IS THE MESSAGE THAT LEADERS ARE TRYING TO TELL…
I agree, more road coarses!! There’s a problem with this though, and NASCAR know’s it: Attendance. The best seat for a road coarse race is the one in your living room to which you paid exactly $0.00 for. I go out of my way to watch the road courses since anything can happan and the usual winners aren’t guranteed since…
Agreed...the empty seats at many tracks aren’t the only indicator. I’m just sick of them trying to make the sport into something that will please everybody. Can you imagine if the France family owned horse racing...
Answer: DVR; These three letters save marriages and keep a happy wife on the weekends. Once you fast forward through the rediculous heaping of commercials and watch the rest of the race at 4X speed (except for the pit stops) and get to the last 50 laps you can watch the entire race in around 40 minutes. I like NASCAR…
If you’ve ever lived in L.A. you’d know it makes sense. Don’t waste your energy trying to get your head around something rediculously irrational. The good news is that if it appreciates at the current rate of L.A. housing prices you’ll make 25 mil on it by 2018. Some people play blackjack with with $10 chips, and some…
Can you imagine how happy the City of Los Angeles will be when they collect the $2 - $3,000,000 in property taxes annually and the Realtor fee’ Jackpot! This house should have a school and street named after it with those tax bills. I’ve driven through Beverly Hills and once you’ve seen a $25+ million dollar…
Hmmm...only in L.A...where being pretentious is a way of life. I’ve been in houses like this and while there technically a house, they feel far from being a home; more of a building really that makes a statement. This makes total sense in L.A.
I think you handled the situation well. Unfortunitly, there’s 10 a-holes to everyone of you.
Wow, thats a nightmare. Sounds like nearly every one of the hundreds of overseas flights I had in the military as flight crew on a large cargo jet. However, instead of someone else coordinating the hotel and transportation after being dog tired and in a foreign land it was me/us. My favorite is checking into a hotel…
I also paid to go to an autoshow this month and was more than a little disapointed to not see the new 2018 Mustang on display. I know exactly why they are waiting to show the new model after I went to try and buy a Mustang GT the next weekend. In my observation, and what i’ve read, the dealers have way too much…