
We should also not forget how massive subsidies are given to the “oh so self-reliant” farmers, oil companies (yeah I was surprised too) and as you said, conventional car companies too.

I am mostly baffled by the fact that a 19 yr old girl can be driving a Q7.

$2000 is a pipedream price.

Please tell me that kid is getting removed from her forever and that she is going to jail for 2x attempted murder (her own kid and the other driver) + murder-suicide attempt?

It was an OBVIOUS push off and an unusual dirty move deliberately to gain a 25 pt advantage. Even with a 1 race ban, if Max did not win that, it would have been worth it for LH. Admittedly LH is not that dirty usually but this was a clear deliberate dirty move.

You must be a British asshole.

> One is a modern car

Tbh if you have thick skin and a good filter, there is a lot of gold in the comments on certain videos. I will agree that 95-99% is junk but there are gold there.

Good point, it’s kinda like a bike trainer, direct link/drive to the gears or bust.

Isn’t Pikes Peak (Edit:) IHC this weekend too?

Apart from what Volante said, it was also a WW2 troop transporter and had some other accolades to it, and it brought home a lot of American troops at the end of the European part of WW2,

Then sprinkle some crack on the body

If you can afford a Veyron, even today and used, won’t you have a driver employed and a man employed next to him, just to drink the Martinis for you?

11 radiators and the engine ALONE weighs 490 kg.

This is one mug shot I cannot wait to see, haha!

Wow, thank you, honestly!

Pretty decent record tbh. KMag also had a 2nd but never a pole for example and he wasn’t that bad of a driver. Ofc never had a car that could remotely hit a pole, but still.

This is over 20 yrs and 400% over 20 yrs, might not fast enough for a lot of people with what they can accumulate of money to invest with, from a normal job.

Ah okay, never heard of the series.

I disagree on some points,