
Tim....come on MR Video Director for DS. Borowing vine footage and then quoting good ole JR? I’m met John Kennedy and you sir are no John Kennedy

Tim Burke is deadspins video director. I record, play, edit and masturbate for the peoples

2 trains leave grand central station. One conductor is wearing a fit bit the other is not. Train one has 12 cars and train two has 10. Witch train will get Timothy Burke a paycheck first? Train one must go through Hulk Hogan appeal win tunnel and Train two must pass through Drew Margery dick joke jamboree bridge?

3rd grade photo shop captain, dad is proud

Bleacher Reports fucks over its employees. Brought to you by Deadspin and Gawker. We always be there for you!

Dead spin up all night...Fade to Black, Metllica. Thanks for reading. Whatcha gonna do?

Hey Tim.. Did the cardinals lose their 30th something game tonight? Did they fucking win? Come on!

Time for certain websites to hit the big festival of pubic growth...ch- ch-ch- changes

Apparently Tim Burke is only one left on staff.


Oh hey. Idiots invades gawker offices, do a lot more damage than this guy

Leg drop. Cards win thier 32d game. Sorry to interrupt Olympic penis conversation

FYI. I love how gawker and tentacles always delete my comments. Such cowards, you sheepishly promote human idiocy on all topics execpt your own incompetence. Whacha gonna do??????

Hey gawker husk of a man. The cards won there 32nd game. “Yes we will do this all year”

Then you look around and go oh fuck I’m from Kanas City and I married my aunt and my child is my cousin I think. KC math is hard, BBq easy

The cardinals have won thier 31st game. We will do this all season. We are deadspin, this is all we have left

Here’s Samer your newest uber driver! The Yankees lost thier 30th game and the mets thier 26th. Will discuss further on our drive along w/ the latest Kinja deals

Oh shit you are a staff writer...how many holes were violated to make that happen?

Oh shit you are staff writer...how many holes were violated to make that happen

Samer when is your internship over?