
Correct. Every single “legal weed” law in the USA is useless, so long as the Feds feel otherwise. With a single phone call Obama could — and Trump likely will — kick down every door of every weed op in the country and arrest all involved. See also: Deep South laws re: abortion, marriage licenses, etc.

the fact that states can make things legal that the federal government has deemed illegal (hello, weed) sort of goes against the one government rule of being a country.

Well, for starters, a bunch of state-governments tried that whole “Brexit”-thing a 165 years ago in the USA. The Federal government did not honor their wishes.

The FBI, as it now stands, has lost such a huge amount of respect in recent weeks across the defense/intelligence community that I don’t know that their opinion on the matter (I feel the need to point out here that the FBI isn’t in itself a member of the Intelligence Community, just their Intelligence Division)

First of all, I’m a registered Democrat. Secondly, there is a dispute between intelligence agencies that Russia actually was involved. Thirdly, Hillary getting millions of dollars in donations from foreign entities struck me as a potential conflict of interest as well. No one is truly clean when it comes to stuff

This is so tiresome.

Haha... ok. So his dick moves weren’t limited to payday loans, I guess.

I look forward to Peter Thiel continuing to kick the fuck out of you idiots. And all the folks you mention have achieved more than you ever will Kristen. You are a worthless fuck of a partisian blogger. You are no journalist.

I’m allowed to be bitter. But fuck you too while im at it.

Yeah too bad Mr. Turton can’t take a few seconds to be a real journalist. Pathetic.

They already are ignoring us and international courts of law. We are a much larger economic superpower than they are. It’s really not even close. So yes, it’s about time someone told them to fuck off. They’ve been doing whatever the hell they want because Obama has been too weak to call them on their bullshit.

I hate trump on principal but have to say good job on this one. Screw China and their sensitivity. Taiwan is its own indepentant country and is not owned by China. They have no right to whine nor complain about someone calling another sovereign nation. Frankly everyone has to stop giving in to China and their

I’m going to say this as delicately as I can.......FUCK CHINA! Seriously, they are violating sovereignty in the South China Sea, refusing to abide by courts of law, building island and projecting power, and we’re supposed to be upset that Trump had a phone call with someone that might make china a little upset? Fuck

“But none of the arms sales to Taipei are the same as calling its leader and legitimizing its leadership. Trump might as well have given Chinese President Xi Jinping the middle finger.”

I really LOVE the not-politically correct Donald! ...Taiwan is a good ally of the western nations, and a sizable economic power. Pretending it doesn’t exist, is just idiotic and the great People’s Republic of China will have to deal with it, just supposed they still want to go on manufacturing our iPhones and such!

Well, isn’t that special? Japan (and Germany, too) finally admit there’s something to what GM, Tesla, Ford, Chrysler, and others put their money on years ago. Japan wanted fuel cells, and Germany wanted diesels. Both of those electric alternatives are now on life support for mass market adoption.

It’s one of the hardest tracks to pass at, especially in matched cars.

Hamilton showed his true nature yet again, not that the fawning announcers would say anything.

Uhhh...the only objective for Mercedes is to finish every single race 1-2. Their one rule is to allow them to drive unless the team’s race is compromised. Hamilton was risking the victory, nevermind the 1-2. That’s why the order was given.

A well deserved Championship. Nico had a good season and he did what he needed to do to win the Drivers Title.