U. Ser Name

I bet you could still make good money kicking a football too if you weren’t such a whiny bitch.

As an Irishman I can tell you there are typically three things we love to do and those are drink, fight, and when we aren’t too drunk or beat up, fuck. I think the Notre Dame Drunken Irish would be far more controversial and the Notre Dame Fucking Irish, while they would have potentially the best mascot (mascots

Not as sexy as the gold PS4 Taco Bell was goodly enough to give me.

No, I was going to go but I heard there were booths there, if ever so briefly, about gun safety. Gun safety, can you believe it?!?! I mean why not let NAMBLA set up a booth or The KKK or some slightly less offensive group of people than some company promoting gun safety. No place for talk of gun safety in the company

Can you please take this article down as it discusses shooting, a gun no less, in a not negative light. I find any talk of shooting to be entirely unpleasant and I think you should remove this article immediately.

Now playing

A dance number you say?!?!? That sounds like a great idea!! Now dig on this . . . . .

Good to hear Danny had a good time on set I figured he was getting too old for this shit by now.