It’s because when they jury select they dismiss Black jurors at an exaggerated rate, due to perceived bias against cops or white defendants or perception of too much (any) sympathy for Black defendants.
It’s because when they jury select they dismiss Black jurors at an exaggerated rate, due to perceived bias against cops or white defendants or perception of too much (any) sympathy for Black defendants.
It’ll end up being a hung jury. There will end up being a radicalized GOPer or two on it who see it as their divine duty to protect GOP policy and to wage their holy war against the libs. That is just where we are now, we’ve seen it with cops and soldiers for a while but now it is spreading outwards. I don’t know how…
Look, Luvvie is around my age; I will sing you I’m Ready and Can We Talk all day long. Now, her origins may be part of the problem; she apparently didn’t reach the States until the age of 9, but my dad used to play the hell out of that album even when I was little.
Tevin Campbell can sang better that 98% of your faves, and do it effortlessly
AAH! I highlighted the same part before I even got to the end and you STILL beat me to it!
I would argue that the only “black” part of his experience is the fact that he arrived at the airport at 6:00 a.m. for a 6:24 a.m. flight.
Man, I wish my HS principle had looked (and acted) like that dude. Don’t get me wrong, the guy seemed nice enough, but everything about Principal Akbar Cook seems like a definite upgrade, including his amazing name.
You know the part that is most upsetting about this whole situation: the look on that little man’s face as he looks up at his Dad. My heart broke. Why they make a big deal outta this ish is beyond me, well no it isn’t but you get what I’m sayin. Poor baby. But I’m glad they found a new school for him and I went ahead…
While I can’t say for sure I am pretty confident in saying that their problem is not race. Rather, the issue that the A Book’s Christian Academy has is conforming to gender conventions. “Boys” don’t sport “long hair.” That’s for “girls.”
I’m glad the Father didn’t let that school make his son cut his hair. I can tell Jr. Is proud of his hair. Shame on the first school for ruining that kid’s first day then try to hide behind Jesus.
I think that most of these “schools” and I use the term loosely here, have forgotten that their primary reason for existence is to educate children, not police their dress.
Elise Neal is 52! FIFTY-TWO!
On everything: Queen Latifah’s and Pharrell’s agelessness make no goddamn sense and I don’t trust them. It’s abnormal even for us melanin-blessed.
Tina Turner definitely should be on the list.
What no Tina Turner, no Halle Berry?
Her mama must be white or white aligned. Black women have been having “biracial” babies for centuries. She’s not special.