
Yesssss to all of this!

Awwww...I love the C’s

This is beautiful.

I see many comments stating that it’s not just enough to write. You all are missing the point. If someone’s craft is writing then writing a piece addressing men’s lack of effort in feminism is the best space to add what you can to the movement. In my career I am a counselor working specifically with DV/SA victims at a

50 whetttttt he looks good

He’s probably dating some woke sister.

especially fried okra

If only he took this same disposition with his own white brothers that may have prevented the two domestic terror acts by white men these last two months.

It’s crazy how there is a settlement but no charges. How can you say the city is wrong but then not prosecute anyone for what happen smh.

Women are seen as property for some reason that can be touched. If we call these men out on their inappropriate behavior everyone wants to laugh it off smh.

Between this article and the one from Damon...I feel that we are finally getting allies. Thank you for this piece and for checking your friend.

I’m reading this article on Yasss Queen come on HBCU grad.

I hope one day black folks can have this same push back for people who commit sexual assault.


Also competing since 1924 but some how NCCU never gets the spotlight it deserves.

SCSU vs NCAT? hun....they aren’t even rivals. A&T vs. NCCU have been rivals for longer than that. You never heard of the aggie-eagle classic? It has been going on forever. Also at my schools I go to Ques/Kappas are never beefing they have this 1911 infatuation thing going on. It’s always the alphas vs. ques or alphas

I agree with many of your points with the exception of the first point. I’m tired of the black community feeling they have to ralley behind someone just because they are a black male. Ole boy raped his ex wife and murdered his sister in law he should have gotten the death penalty.

So when you click post to facebook it spells Charlotte....Charolette...idk what that’s about.

Why do we always have to be collective on this foolishness? Just because your parents didn’t expose you to mayo growing up doesn’t mean I have to dislike it just because we are both black.

Yessss.....I do #10 all of the time. I also stopped saying excuse me or sorry in situations like that as well. You see me coming boo I’m tired of trying to accommodate ya’ll. I’m also not letting ya’ll cross the street in front of my idc if you’re pushing ten baby strollers. Out at 3pm being a “stay at home mom with a