
Here’s to having a strong single-player focus and a release to gog!

Single Player is slowly dying in favor for more dumbed-down arena/battle royal-styled dreck...

Agreed, I was hopeful as they mentioned multiplayer as a choice, but then they just had to screw that up with this:

“You will, however, be able to play the whole game solo if you want. BioWare wants multiplayer to be a “choice” that players make of their own accord.”

Yeah, I pass on MMOs in general, nothing here really interests me at all...

This is not a lie as most of his support comes from folks who would have zero problems with that!

Amazing how much hate this game got, not on it’s merits but the actual setting, were this blog un-moderated, then we would have a glut of toxic bile here as well...

Playing it via emulation...Though I played the original back in the day...

I have Strabismus/Amblyopia, so yeah, this is great info indeed, just as long as they don’t default to stereoscopic 3D effects...

Yes, get used to it, it’s only gonna get worse...His Trumpeteers are the perfect reflection of what this man represents....And THIS coming from a working class man...

Fuck Valve with their 75% profit from the modders vs 25% for the modders, horse shit is horseshit...Yeah, I know the 75% was split between valve and bethesda, but still, 75% from 10 bucks is still $2.50..

WOW, nearly the story of my life...It’s been decades since I’ve been with anyone, and since I’m no longer in my 30’s...Well, people have expectations of general milestones in their lives, and at the age I’m at now, decades of being single is pretty low on their list..

Of all the activities that you can do together, taking a dump is best done alone!...

I’ve been single for most, and possibly all of your life, alone time are for those not in a reelationship as it defeats the entire point of being in a relationship.

Apples are best at keeping the doctor away, not for computing...We already have PCs for that!

What a piece of shit, this prick is, I wouldn’t doubt it if he’s the type of scum who would punch a pregnant woman..Yeah, he needs a serious ass whooping...Preferably with a tire iron.

You assume he wouldn’t simply take a body shot, as it’s much more effective than a head shot any day...I agree he’s a douche, but still, a body shot is much more devistating than a head shot..

...And the Internet winner of the year award goes to...

...And the internet winner of the year award goes to...