
They didn't forget, the article mentions Bloodsport.

I’m as white, generic and straight as they come (no pun intended), but I also have an insatiable thirst for knowledge. My brain’s abilities are somewhat limited (I never got past basic College Algebra, for instance), but the desire to know about things outside of myself will always be there.

Being a racist, a


Let’s just get this out of the way. You’re an asshole.

they voted overwhelmingly in favor of a direct connection with their managers and the company.

This is the most sea-lion post in the history of sea-lioning. Only the first sentence isn’t a question. I’d be tempted to say you’re trolling, but I’m never sure these days. Anyway, Ben Shapiro is, as they say, a stupid man’s idea of what a smart man looks like. He’s made his career on hassling college freshmen and

He’s a right wing dumbass, that’s why.

About damn time, and this kind of mode should be mandatory for all games to receive console certification.

Games that are too hard are, at best: lazy, at worst: hostile, and either way: unprofessional. Get over yourselves and let people enjoy games. It’s called game design, stupid.

I can’t stop my neighbor from eating

I think I’m starting to realize that almost all of our modern problems in society — racism, conspiracy theories, a rise in authoritarianism, people being shitty to each other online — all come from the same one root problem, which is the deep insecurity many people have about their own self-worth.

Impressive of Biden to achieve all that in barely six months. Absolutely nothing to do with the clown that was in charge for the four years before that eh?

Alabama has entered the chat. 

This article is bad and you should feel bad for writing it.

This is the exact type of hyperbole that gets you clicks in the short-term and absolutely destroys your credibility and that of others in the larger equality movement for years and years to come. So, thanks for helping to set everyone back a few more steps, I guess?

This article is really fucking lazy and disgusting. In a perfect world, the hate that Tatiana Tenreyro and AV Club were hoping would get directed at Kemper would be spun right back at them for the eagerness and complicity in this faux outrage, but the reality is they’re celebrating the amount of clicks this shitty

I normally just poke fun at the empty and excessive wokeness of the modern AV Club, but this time I’ll just say: fuck you AV Club, and fuck you Tatiana for writing this drivel.

Tatiana Tenreyro, you should be ashamed of joining the mob with your pitchfork of judgement and stupidity. Way to go, you’ve attempted to ruin someone’s entire life just so you could have an article to write. You and all of the other “journalists” (AKA poor writers with low IQs) should find something productive to do

Fixed that title for you.