
Also: The problem is not the incest, considering consensual incest is apparently a thing. (Definitely not my thing.)

I wrote a long rant, then I decided to sum it up:

The game did not feel like torture porn to me. I looked at a guide twice. Looking at the guide helped me reduce the violence toward the “antagonist”.

The exploration of time loop ethics has always been interesting to me and I thought the game did a pretty good job with that. The more loops he goes through, the more desensitized the protagonist becomes and the less he cares about the feelings of the other characters. After all, if nothing you do has any permanent

Reactionary comments are pretty horrifying too. At no point does the game require you to murder your wife. The writer of the article chose to murder her, then got offended by the fact the game lets you murder her. That’s what I find so humorous.

I agree, I read this blog post “review” twice because I disliked it so much the first time. Thought maybe I was just just cranky the first time, guess not. Its a really bad piece of writing, the author is trying to get so much out a game that isn’t all that smart, or all that menacing. Sounds like she is 1 year into a

I think this game is flawed, but fantastic. I wholeheartedly and respectfully disagree with your assessment. (By the way, this is coming from a survivor of domestic violence, so I know a thing or two about trauma.) 

The author is clearly focused on the husband bad actions, while she purposelly ignoring the wife bad actions. The obvious explanation to both is, gamification at the expense of the characters, and to make better use of the time loop, but let’s evaluate it at face value like the author did.

The very first loop, probably

The game developers had a big issue. Most of the story is moved by dialog. If all the answers were in dialogue, it’d make the game less interactive.So they filled in the details to give you as much freedom as possible and make the AI seem realistic. The whole point of the game is trying to break the loop, and you can

Thanks for this, this review is so bad...

The game was fun. That’s the only time loop game I played, someone on Steam said that Twelve Minutes is the worst “time loop” game ever, and I trust them.

Also, there’s a really graphic animation for stabbing your wife to death in the game for…some reason? No one’s quite sure.

Its really not that terrible, especially if you have game pass. Give it a try, its a few hours of fun.

I thoroughly enjoyed the game. Trying the different outcomes had me stuck to my seat.  While there's different "official" endings the loops themselves can play out very different. I really enjoyed my time with the game.  I highly recommend. 

Delete all posts.

I’m as white, generic and straight as they come (no pun intended), but I also have an insatiable thirst for knowledge. My brain’s abilities are somewhat limited (I never got past basic College Algebra, for instance), but the desire to know about things outside of myself will always be there.

Being a racist, a

About damn time, and this kind of mode should be mandatory for all games to receive console certification.

Games that are too hard are, at best: lazy, at worst: hostile, and either way: unprofessional. Get over yourselves and let people enjoy games. It’s called game design, stupid.

I can’t stop my neighbor from eating

I think I’m starting to realize that almost all of our modern problems in society — racism, conspiracy theories, a rise in authoritarianism, people being shitty to each other online — all come from the same one root problem, which is the deep insecurity many people have about their own self-worth.

Impressive of Biden to achieve all that in barely six months. Absolutely nothing to do with the clown that was in charge for the four years before that eh?