
Mighty Little Man is the SHIT!!! Love that track!

Hmmm… I think I still have my copy of that Very Milky Christmas CD and I KNOW I have Exact Audio Copy sitting on my hard drive….

Thank you for reminding me why I don't come here for music coverage.

This was the book that put me off the Expanded Universe books back when I was a teenager. I remember thinking it was the worst sort of wanna-be recycled lame fan fic that even a novice GM in a SW role playing session would reject as too stupid and cheesy for a premise. Have steadfastly avoided that hack KJA ever since.

Damn, I go here all the time cuz their movies are so cheap… now I'll still go, but I'll feel bad about it.

My girlfriend had these last night and ended up throwing up. YMMV.

Heh, yeah that's me. :)

The cover art to "The Point" used to give me nightmares as a little kid…

*sigh* I'm just never going to understand the appeal of this guy. I saw him open for Childish Gambino and hated him, tried listening to the album where he blew up and couldn't get into it at all. I find these lyrics insipid, his mush-mouth flow to be annoying and the beat mediocre at best. He's just not for me.

Yup, I was front and center and it was LIVE!!!! :D

Fuck yeah!!! Awesome track - love these guys!

Don't forget the 2 Hail Mary Mallon records and the Uncluded record…

Just got tickets for the only showing in Denver - this Sunday. I've never seen it before and I'm incredibly excited!

Bring back The Middleman you bastards!

I was at that Chicago show and I still remember the stunned near-silence that followed. I think his comment was something like "If you don't like it, go buy another copy of Workbook"

Well, that was… something.. that I watched… all 10 minutes of…

Sick as fuck! Can't wait for the whole record!!!!

The only way I'm going to see the new movie is if it ends with Charlie Brown tying up Lucy and skinning her alive. In slow, agonizing detail…

I wanted this to be good, but I'll settle for a disaster of Southland Tales proportions. Ah, schadenfreude….