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    Yeah. Our dress code banned the two top kinds of bottoms for boys in the area (surf shorts and cargo shorts) so it hit them almost as hard as the girls when it went into effect.

    I also think a big part of it is simply not understanding how curly hair works, especially once you get to the 4A-4C range but also most of the 3 range. As someone with 3A hair whose mom’s hair is straight who endured a whole childhood of mom claiming she wished she had my hair while clearly not knowing what to do

    Eh. I’d go for a classier “fuck you bigots.” Like, New Orleans is bound to have some important civil rights leaders, right? Lots, probably. Maybe one of them?

    “They are not just innocent remembrances of a benign history. These monuments celebrate a fictional, sanitized Confederacy ignoring the death, ignoring the enslavement, ignoring the terror that it actually stood for,” Landrieu said, noting that Lee and the Confederate army fought against the United States. “They

    Silly britt93! Govenrment jobs aren’t jobs for “real Americans”! They’re just the goverment finding a way to wate money, not hire people to do essential tasks! And who cares if they’re the most likely jobs to have benefits and healthcare? Not real Americans!

    Remember when Obama’s big trip was derided as an “apology tour”? Yeah. I do. And now Trump’s is proof he’s a big boy.

    Hilariously I and my Jewish grandma were chatting about how maybe the only way the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will end is if they get a common enemy and work together to beat the shit out of it. Like France and England used to do.

    I mentioned that in another thread. Looks like we were both right!

    Agreed. Excellent closer.

    I think she got him and either Hannity or O’Reilly mixed up for a second there.

    Seriously. Science Tumblr has been calling the rest of tumblr out over this attitude for a while now. Yes to the people this affects this is totally obvious. The point is now the people this doesn’t effect can have proof of it shoved under their noses.

    Huh. So we was in an accident. That was complicated by bad health. My mom and I were both right! And both wrong. Cool!

    Yeah. My mom was shocked and was like “was he in an accident?” and I was like “mom he was 77 and in pretty bad health” she she said “oh, right. For some reason I thought he was only in his mid sixities. Maybe I’m thinking of one of the pundits.”

    If I could actually use the Dark Side we’d have had a lot of mysterious choking deaths by now. Palpatine could get someone across a galaxy with a Force Choke, and I’m pretty sure my hate is strong enough to match that shit.

    It sort of fell by the wayside as Amy became more important, tho both have interesting interactions with Amy. Amy is like a female Sheldon only not a totally flat charater—unlike Sheldon she shows that she cares about her friends and obviously values her relationship with Penny as “besties.” She’s also eager for new

    You’re asking the real questions. We need answers!

    Idk he did great as human!Walter in The Muppets.

    I’ve seen some of it irl too but not in the more exaggerated ways. Howard, for example, is the kind of guy who tells himself he can’t get girls because he’s a nerd but really it’s because he’s a creep. His development out of that mindset was actually pretty well done.

    Yep. Amy and Bernadette were both great adds (except for any time Amy is trying to seduce Sheldon, that’s just always verged way too much on creepy for me). Like Amy feels like a well-written Sheldon—a sheltered smart person who instead of being a jerk to everyone bonds very heavily with their few close friends and