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    Urg, yes. I was on HuffPo and while the trend leaned supportive there were still so many people yellng at her to shut up and go away. Like, wtf. After the election they were all “where’s she, why isn’t she fixing it!” and now that she is back they want her to shut up again.

    Galactus vs. Ganon sounds like a good time.

    Three moments:

    Personally I’ve never gotten loving an actor for anything other than their acting ability. Like, I get loving a character they played but not them themselves unless they do something irl to deserve it.

    I don’t each much outside of what’s been stated. Apple juice, applesauce, and bannanas. My taste buds are very messed up and other fruits make me gag, sadly. On the upside I also hate a lot of unhealthy foods too.

    A parachute won’t always save you if you fall out of a plane. So we should stop issueing them to the troops. Would save money, right? They’re not effective enough after all.

    Yep. Still going to drink my apple juice though, need the vitamin C. I mean it’s that, milk, and water so idk for least healthy thing I regularly drink it’s not that bad.

    Yeah. I’m moving either late June or mid July and am holding off on getting a Switch and Breath of the Wild until then. I’ll turn in my WiiU and games on this end, get the new console and Zelda on the other end. I decided that well before the Switch came out.

    People have been pointing out the red flags for a while now. There’s a lot of smug “I told you so” going around that social media cirles I’m in are stunned at. Like, people were outright warning this was going to end badly and a ton still went.

    I remember Beijing in 2000. Never saw the sun the whole week we were there.

    Yeah. They’re jar candles. I also use them for “make the place smell nice while I study” purposes. Cinnamon and Cloves smells a lot better then Dog, what can I say?

    Yep. My aunt does this sometimes. I think it’s her way of coping after her dad died. She also does non-kooky stuff too (like finding healthier baking recipes...but still making the normal ones for her obsecenely picky nice, or at least getting me some Reeses)

    Yep. Sometimes a lot of tests (they did a ton when I was in elementary school—long story short no thyroid or hormone issues, just Asperger’s back when the tests were geared more towards boys and so it took ‘em a while).

    Yep. I do that sometimes—usually it’s just meditating around a candle I liek but I also sometimes wear jewellery based on what the stone is supposed to do. Other times I just wear it cause it’ll go with my outfit.

    There was a great article by gynecologist that called it out as not a good thing. Ditto for shoving bags of herbs up your va-j-j to “cleanse” it.Here’s the gg one:

    YAY! I’m more into animation than live action but he kills it just as much there! The man has SUCH a good voice. Can make anyone sound amazing.

    It was a quote back in 2010 too. I remember a bunch of the Te Party guys swept into congress got interviewed and were asked about their plans right after the holidays and were like “we had no idea you don’t just go in and do things right away. We don’t know how any of this works.”

    Yep. I remember even with the union cooperating it took a little over a year to boot this one teacher from a FL school my mom worked at. The issue was just that she was lousy at her job (she taught autism and special needs kindergarden but if you didn’t learn via her methods she just had you color all day, pissing off

    I thought it was already what gangs called themselves when trying to sound respectable but, idk.

    Yep. You’d think people would notice by now that it’s the Bernie articles bringing people over to the Root...hence they write more Bernie articles to bring more people. Basic strategy.